PostgreSQL "readonly" problem

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PostgreSQL "readonly" problem

Post by Almindor »

Hi, I have an odd problem, but perhaps it's because I'm using table inheritance.. I don't know.

In my application (using postgreSQL 8.1 and lazarus) I have a TZQuery which is used to display and edit "persons" table. "persons" inherits from "givers" table so it's a child table.

If I add a new row to the persons table via my import routine (from CSV file, uses a TZQuery (different from the one connected to the TDBGrid) to do an INSERT command. The insert goes ok, I can see the new row.

The problem is, rows added this way are.. like read-only. Any change done on them via the TDBGrid, or even a delete via the dataset is simply ignored (no error tho). If I refresh the grid/query I get old data back.

If I make a copy using the dataset (not an insert command via query), I can function on that fine, all changes save, it can get deleted and all. I inspected the original and the copy and found no problem. The primary ID key is NOT same, while all other values are.

I don't understand how come it behaves this way, any ideas on how to debug this are welcome as I have noticed this behavior a bit too late (I didn't experiment on imported data)
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Post by mdaems »


To find out what's going on we need a test program... Can you publish the smallest possible project that demonstrates clearly what's wrong? Maybe you better put this in the bug tracker.

Seems like this is some transaction (or transaction isolation) problem. Are both methods using the same connection?

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