C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZAbstractRODataset.pas(73,22) Hint: Type "TUpdateStatusSet" redefinition
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZAbstractRODataset.pas(75,18) Hint: Type "EUpdateError" redefinition
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZDatasetUtils.pas(397,16) Error: identifier idents no member "DefaultExpression"
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZDatasetUtils.pas(567,19) Error: identifier idents no member "UpdateDefaultExpression"
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZDatasetUtils.pas(567,68) Error: identifier idents no member "GetColumnDefaultExpression"
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZDatasetUtils.pas(786,42) Hint: Local variable "Temp" does not seem to be initialized
C:\temp\zeos-beta\testing\src\component\ZDatasetUtils.pas(1463) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
Just for info, perhaps the coders know what and why
Was this the first Zeoslib version you ever tried to install on your machine? Seems like the TZColumnInfo object used in the line where the compiler halts doesn't know the new (!!) DefaultExpression property. Removing all old Z*.ppu and Z*.o files from your system might solve this.
I have no clue what de differences between FPC/Lazarus versions/defines for Wince, Windows and Linux are. So I can't really help with that. Looks like some functions expect different parameters on the different architectures. Is it the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress calls that are complaining?