Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

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Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

Post by joviali »

Hello everyone, this is my first message. I am making an application that attacks a remote database in firebird 2.5. In principle it works fine. The problem comes with the response time of fall. To see if I explain tego the connection open against my remote server and if I remove the ethernet cable. When I do an open a table takes to say that it has no connection 15 minutes .

The operating system server is a windows 10 and the one that makes the connection is a debian linux.
What can I do when the network drops? .
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Re: Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

Post by marsupilami »

Hello joviali,

currently there is no way to change the timeout for firebird - at least not that I am aware of it. Usually you will get some kind of exception that you will have to handle. But the only thing you can do in a situation like this is to close all datasets and close the connection.

With best regards,

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Re: Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

Post by joviali »

Thank you for answering so quickly.

I come from delphi and what I pose has no major problem (I do not use in delphi Zeos).

We'll see .
1- There will be a connection with a zconnection.
2-The connection is satisfactory.
3 Lift the ethernet cable
4 I open with a tquery

I do not understand how it takes 15 minutes to make a mistake.

There has to be something, this is not viable.

I understand what you tell me to lift the connection and then close it every time there is something. But I refer to the law of Murphi.Si something can happen will happen. At the same time that there is the open the Tquery remove the cable and I have the same problem.
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Re: Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Joviali,

I understand what you mean. But the 15 minutes are an issue in the firebird client lib and not within Zeos. Even more it possibly is a problem in your Windows configuration because usually I would expect Windows to signal a lost connection to the FB client if the network cable is removed almost immediately. Maybe you want to ask this question on the FB mailinglist?

With best regards,

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Re: Time out tzconnection with lazarus and firebird2.5

Post by joviali »

SOLUTION. At the end is the configuration of the operating system itself in this case in linux (debian). I leave you a link:
https://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/doc ... to/doc_104

Thank you
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