6.5.1 or 6.1.5 for Delphi 5 Pro

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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6.5.1 or 6.1.5 for Delphi 5 Pro

Post by polsol »

Hi all,

Firstly let me state that I have recently come across the Zeoslib and I think the concept is excelent! I hope the idea of a set of 'standard' components to access a multitude of DB's gets the support it deserves.

As a 'newbie' to C/S concepts please forgive my ignorance in some areas.

My questions are simple (at least from a newbie perspective!).
1) As a newbie to Zeoslib, should I be opting for version 6.5.1 (alpha) or 6.1.5 (stable) at this point in time?
2) Do these components support all the standard Delphi components such as DBGrid, TeeChart etc.
3) Outside of the standard components, do they work with the X-Files (XDBGrid etc)?
4) I downloaded the tutorial yesterday on D7 with 6.1.5 and Firebird (I'm using 1.5.1/2). This document states that double clicking the ZTSQLUpdate brings up the Update SQL editor. I have version 6.5.1 on my work PC but there is no SQLEditor on double clicking this component (which, BTW, is also set as the update object for the ZTQuery). Was this facility only available in version 6.1.5?

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Post by Chaosworld »

Well i am also using delphi 5 professional.
I can tell you, that 6.1.5(stabel) works without any problem on delphi 5. There is only one Problem, delphi 5 prof. does not have ado, so you need to erease it.
See here:
http://seegernet.koolhost.de/zeosforum/ ... hlight=ado

but the actual version 6.5.1(alpha) i could not install. Maybe you find a way, but if not, here mdaems told me how to do it:
http://seegernet.koolhost.de/zeosforum/ ... .php?t=197
What for my look nice is, that 6.5.1 use the comand readonly and not request live, what is for my look a little bite strange. I think that one day the final of 6.5.1 will come out, a version that should also work with delphi 5. And i don't want to write my programm komplettly with request live and than change back to readonly. Also nice for my look is, the support of mysql 4.1. Zeos 6.1.5 does not have this.
Becide this i did not found any big mistake in the alpha version. Some few strange behavior but all solvable.
I hope this helps you a bit

I am also no Expert in ZEOS, so i just wrote a short personal look.
If i wrote any mistake, please correct me

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Zeos 6.15 vs 6.5.1

Post by polsol »

Hi Chaosworld,

Thanks for your reply - appreciated.

As for 6.5.1, I did get it working with D5 pro at work. Unfortunately I'm not at work right now but, as far as I remember, apart from deleting the ADO references, I charnged the D5 Zeos *Reg.* file. I deleted the compiler directives and those statements that are not necessary to run D5 PRO. It then worked OK. One of the problems is that the Reg file (or rather the INI file) thinks that I'm not running under Windows - which I am, so the property registers don't get registered.
If you want a copy of the REG file I used, send me an email and I'll send it back to you.

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Post by Chaosworld »


hm strange, i installed it without changing of the reg-files, and i didn't had any problem. Very strange. Thanks for your advice. Did you installed the old 6.5.1 (of the year 2004) version or the new version? The new i couldn't install. if you was able to make it, i would be really insterest to get to know the changings you made.

What i found of Zeos 6.5.1 out is that quickreport is making problems if it is connected to zTable, than i always got a crash. I have no idea why. With zQuery it works perfect. Only as advice, if you get any problems with this :-D

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