Zeos 6.6.2 Delphi 2006 Num-Field without Decimal in TBEdit

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Zeos 6.6.2 Delphi 2006 Num-Field without Decimal in TBEdit

Post by Alfredo »

A NumField with Scale 2 shows in TBEdit 1501.
A Float field shows in TBEdit 1501,01.

With flamerobin I see, that in the Numfield is 1501.01.

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Post by seawolf »

Using Firebird 2.1.1 and Zeos 6.6.4 and Delphi 7 DBEdit display correctly numeric fields (at least on my pc :wink: )
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Post by Alfredo »

When I will change firebird CS from 2.0.3 to 2.1.1 must I change my existing *.fdb?

With kind regards
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Post by seawolf »

You can, using Firebird 2.0.3, open FlameRobin, do a db backup.
Then close Flamerobin, uninstall Firebird 2.0.3
Install Firebird 2.1.1, open FlameRobin and do a db restore.

After that your db works with Firebird 2.1.1

On the other hands, if you want do a quickly test the previous procedure can be omitted (just unistall FB 2.0.3 and install FB 2.1.1)

I mean fb structure is forward compatible (obvioulsy you cannot use new functios due to db error)
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Post by fcodebue »

or more simple you can do
gbak -b myolddb.fdb mybckdb.fbk
del myolddb.fdb
gbak -r mybckdb.fbk myolddb.fdb

NB fo rfdb name file use always a fullpath name
Codebue Fabio
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