Zeos for Delphi 2009?

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Zeos for Delphi 2009?

Post by elidorio2 »


Someone already ported the Zeos for Delphi 2009?

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Post by mdaems »

Nope, but if you could do it for the 6.6 version it would be made available to everybody very soon. Not everybody uses D2009 yet. It's not for free ;)
I guess it's just copying the packages from Delphi11 and let Delphi convert them by opening in D2009(Delphi12). Please do it for the 2 package groups. (ZeosDbo and ZeosDbodev).

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Post by elidorio2 »

At the time, he's released this error below in ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver unit;

[DCC Error] ZPlainPostgreSqlDriver.pas (990): E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiChar' and 'Char'

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Post by Roaster »

...and there will follow some more issues with char/ansichar pchar/pansichar and others.

I will try to compile Zeos 6.6.x in D2009, too, and see if my sample programs will still run, although I guess there is no guarantee that all parts of Zeos are now Unicode enabled.

OTH IMO Firebird 2.1, for example, is Unicode aware, correct me if I'm wrong here, so there must be basic support in Zeos already, right?
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Post by mdaems »

I ran into the same problem when doing a quick try. Seems like D2009 became a lot more strict in the char/ansichar department.

This will force us (finally) to do something on the Unicode front. Now it was a very messy situation. The HeidiSQL team did already patch the zeoslib version they use to handle unicode. But only as far as it's necessary to get it working for mysql. (see their repository on http://code.google.com/p/heidisql/source/list) Problem is we need somebody who knows what he's doing when using (p)char/(p)ansichar. I must admit : I only understand half of the advantages/differences/implications.

Is somebody willing to start this job? In a first phase I'll review and do the svn commits. As soon as it proves to be serious I'll try to get you SVN commit rights.

I'm afraid these changes will have too much impact on the sources to allow them in the 6.6 branch. No problem for adding this to testing/trunk for the 7.0.0 version.

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Post by gto »

I don't have Delphi 2009, yet. Maybe I could help in efforts to bring Zeos 100% Unicode compatible when I put my hand on it.
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Post by Michael »

Hi gto,

I would say then: Welcome to the Dev-Team ;-) and please contact Mark via pm or irc to coordinate work if you are really willing to seriously take part in ZeosLib development as an active member.

Regards and good night!
:prog2: Use the source, dude!

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Post by Roaster »

Has the D2009 conversion already been started?

Can I access the latest SVN trunk somewhere?
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Post by mdaems »

It's not started yet.

SVN is located at svn://www.firmos.at/zeos/

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Post by Roaster »

mdaems wrote:It's not started yet.
I know this will be a silly question but I will try anyway. Do you think that conversion will be have great impact into source? I'm asking to get a approx. date when a first alpha would be available.
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Zeos DBO for Delphi2009

Post by karpik »

I've recently founded this

Zeos DBO for Delphi2009


did not check cause my trial period of d2009 exceeded...

unfortunately it's not working ... probably they never tested it after some patches for compile... even protocols list do not very nice crash ;-( (last protocol - ?sybase? )
after trim there are another ones... ZConnection.Connect...

regards karpik
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Post by Roaster »

mdaems wrote:SVN is located at svn://www.firmos.at/zeos/
Mark unfortunately I cannot access it using this link.

I'm using the Tortoise Repository Browser and entered this link into the URL edit but the program always says cannot connect to...
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Post by seawolf »

Read this tutorial
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Post by mdaems »

You could try like this: svn://firmos.at/zeos/trunk (so without the www)

But beware: there's sometimes the problem of firewalls not allowing the svn protocol.

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Post by gto »

People, I'm doing the conversion to Unicode, and I say, stay calm heheheh

Unicode changing on Delphi 2009+ will affect a lot of lines, that may be revisited with come care, not a trash job as this unnoficial Zeos2009.rar, which I found too. It compiles but don't work as expected.

The conversion status is: I'm having some troubles at the Plain Drivers and DBC layers. There's no alpha, beta, 'cause it don't work yet.

I have the same hurry as you may have, I want to use D2009, but the only component which don't work is Zeos. I'm working on it, but it may take some time to stay OK.
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