work with PostgreSQL memleak on server after 3936

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My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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work with PostgreSQL memleak on server after 3936

Post by alexs75 »

if TransactIsolationLevel:=tiNone;
mem leak on server
in this code:

Code: Select all

procedure TZPostgreSQLConnection.StartTransactionSupport;
  if Assigned(FUnpreparableStmts) then begin
    for x := FUnpreparableStmts.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
      SQL := 'DEALLOCATE "' + {$IFDEF UNICODE}UnicodeStringToASCII7{$ENDIF}(FUnpreparableStmts.Strings[x]) + '";';;
      QueryHandle := GetPlainDriver.ExecuteQuery(FHandle, Pointer(SQL));
      CheckPostgreSQLError(nil, GetPlainDriver, FHandle, lcExecute, SQL,QueryHandle);
      DriverManager.LogMessage(lcExecute, ConSettings^.Protocol, SQL);
procedure StartTransactionSupport never called - server recourses not deallocated
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Re: work with PostgreSQL memleak on server after 3936

Post by marsupilami »

Hello alexs75,

thank you for reporting that. Duh - the problem here is - does PostgreSQL even support tiNone? Or will it silently apply some kind of transaction control of its own? Something like tiReadCommitted with Autocommit on or something similar?
Currently I lean towards raising an exception if somebody cooses tiNone with PostgreSQL because I can't imagine for PostgreSQL to support something like this...

With best regards,

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Re: work with PostgreSQL memleak on server after 3936

Post by alexs75 »

Zeos not true works ReadCommited mode. See ... 041#p77041
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Re: work with PostgreSQL memleak on server after 3936

Post by marsupilami »

It does, but I will answer that in the other thread ;)
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