ZEOSLib 6.6.3 - stable is out now

Announcements from the ZeosLib Development Team

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ZeosLib's Handyman :o)
ZeosLib's Handyman :o)
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ZEOSLib 6.6.3 - stable is out now

Post by Michael »

Dear ZEOS Community,

today we are proud to officially announce the release of the

[align=center]ZEOS DBO Library 6.6.3 - stable[/align]
It took a very long time and the hard work of at least a small group of people who decieded in August 2005 to continue with the ZEOS Database Objects Libray to provide support to the community and try to develop the next stable version. Since the withdraw of the founders of the ZEOS Libary the future of the project was not quite clear. But with the support of a quite fast growing user community and their contributions to the project we kept it alive ... and are stable, again!

The Development Team wants to thank all of you very much for supplying us with your feedback, ideas and contributions and also patches and bugfixes.

Our special and biggest thank goes to Mark Daems who spends a huge part of his spare time to push the project forward. Without his enthusiasm and the great work he is doing we would not have a stable version at all. So:

[align=center]Thank you very much, Mark :up: [/align]
Also a great "thank you" goes to Helmut Hartl for his work in the Development Team and for hosting our forum and download-section.

But now the download links to our latest stable release: This download is also available from our forum download section and from sourceforge.

With best Regards!

Your ZEOSLib Development Team.
:prog2: Use the source, dude!

[align=right]..::.. ZeosLib on SourceForge ..::..[/align]
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