File ZDbcSqLiteUtils.pas not found

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Fresh Boarder
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File ZDbcSqLiteUtils.pas not found

Post by Schaelle »

Hello, i have installed ZeosLib like in the QuickStart guide, placing some Zeos components and running the application work fine.

But now i have placed a ZConnection in the designer with the following settings:

Code: Select all

  object ZConnection: TZConnection
    Protocol = 'sqlite-3'
    Database = '.\db.s3db'
    Catalog = '.\'
    Connected = True
    AfterConnect = ZConnectionAfterConnect
    Left = 141
While starting Delphi 7 popups a dialog:
"Source File not found: ZDbcSqLiteUtils.pas".

If i'am now selecting this file, or any else, i get the message "Project app.exe raised exception class EZSQLException with the message 'SQL Error: SQL logic error or missing database.'

I have tryed to test it with a created db.s3db (created extern) or without an existing database file.

Any ideas how i can fix it?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 6
Joined: 17.03.2007, 20:41

Post by Schaelle »

Working now. But with another code, i think there wer some erros in the SQL Query. Now i use ParamByName and so to avoid errors.
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