Today when initiating D2006 I have been whereupon I can't open no TZquery (MySQL), since the IDE gives back "Range check error" and the information added to the same one is:
Code: Select all
+ $19[14626211]{ZPlain100.bpl} ZPlainMySqlDriver.ZPlainMySqlDriver.TZMySQL5PlainDriver.GetFieldType + $19
+ $2A[1452D106]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcmysqlutils.ConvertMySQLHandleToSQLType + $2A
+ $17A[1453314A]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcmysqlresultset.TZMySQLResultSet.Open + $17A
+ $AC[14532F44]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcmysqlresultset.TZMySQLResultSet + $AC
+ $41[14534805]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcmysqlstatement.TZMySQLStatement.CreateResultSet + $41
+ $9B[14534973]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcmysqlstatement.TZMySQLStatement.ExecuteQuery + $9B
+ $36[14514352]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcstatement.TZEmulatedPreparedStatement.ExecuteQuery + $36
+ $2F[14514453]{ZDbc100.bpl } Zdbcstatement.TZEmulatedPreparedStatement.ExecuteQueryPrepared + $2F
+ $191[14679E91]{ZComponent100.bpl} Zabstractrodataset.TZAbstractRODataset.CreateResultSet + $191
+ $2E[14675F06]{ZComponent100.bpl} Zabstractdataset.TZAbstractDataset.CreateResultSet + $2E
+ $8C[14679F7C]{ZComponent100.bpl} Zabstractrodataset.TZAbstractRODataset.InternalOpen + $8C
+ $A[203AF4FD]{dbrtl100.bpl} DB.DB.TDataSet.DoInternalOpen (Line 9262, "DB.pas" + 1) + $A
+ $0[2002AE7E]{rtl100.bpl } TypInfo.TypInfo.SetOrdProp (Line 1316, "common\TypInfo.pas" + 27) + $0
+ $6[20EED30A]{designide100.bpl} DesignEditors.DesignEditors.TEnumProperty.SetValue (Line 1402, "DesignEditors.pas" + 5) + $6
+ $16[20EEB99C]{designide100.bpl} DesignEditors.DesignEditors.TPropertyEditor.Edit (Line 671, "DesignEditors.pas" + 11) + $16
+ $5[20C943EA]{coreide100.bpl} PropInsp.PropInsp.TPropertyInspector.PropListEditDblClick (Line 837, "PropInsp.pas" + 20) + $5
+ $A[20FCD681]{vclide100.bpl} IDEInspListBox.IDEInspListBox.TInspListBox.DoEditDblClick (Line 981, "ideinsplistbox.pas" + 2) + $A
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $4[20FCC857]{vclide100.bpl} IDEInspListBox.IDEInspListBox.TPropInspEdit.WndProc (Line 431, "ideinsplistbox.pas" + 7) + $4
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
+ $6A[7E398731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E398811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $122[7E3989C8]{USER32.dll } GetWindowLongW + $122
+ $A[7E398A0B]{USER32.dll } DispatchMessageW + $A
I have uninstall this version and installed the last 6.6.2.rc and the error is exactly the same one. This problem causes that it cannot directly open in the IDE the tables to me and is not able to recover the information of the table.