Looks like the Forum software upgrade was worth the effort

Announcements from the ZeosLib Development Team

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Looks like the Forum software upgrade was worth the effort

Post by mdaems »

As you might have noticed, we did an upgrade of the forum software.
Not because we like the new version, but because we were forced by hackers to do so.

Now the new version is running since 2 weeks, and we're happy about it. Spam removal isn't a big job any more. And dummy registrations (to post some mad Url's as user web page) are almost completely over.

There are also some (minor) disadvantages to the new situation.
  • Syntax highlighting doesn't work any longer.
  • The spam blocker is very sensitive. We like this as it's all about making errors on the safe side. If you have trouble when trying to post/change something, please let us know. If you provide a repeatable case this kind of trouble is solved easily. Please log a fault report in the bugtracker.
On the other hand, there are also some advantages to the upgrade.
  • The Knowledge Base is available again. If you want to post some articles concerning the use of the zeoslib components, now you can. For the moment there's only the General Category available. If you want to write some database or OS dependent documentation, please let us know the specifics, so we can add the necessary additional categories/document types.
  • The downloads section works again
  • The links section works again.
The Zeoslib Development Team
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