Lazarus + Linux = Can't Install

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Lazarus + Linux = Can't Install

Post by rubenjavier »

I can't install zeos in lazarus under linux... everything goes fine until I hace to compile the zcomponents... I keep getting the error in ZAbstractRODataSet "there is no method in ancestor class to be overriden..."
I have the latest nightly of lazarus from
and the latest CVS of ZeOS rework
Do I need the SVN version of Lazarus???
I'm trying to avoid using the SVN version because the directory structure is different and I've heard the "make" have some weird behaviour some times
If anyone had a succesfull installation under linux recently please tell me how?
PD Im using Ubuntu/Kubuntu Debian based linux
PD the same sources under win32 work perfect
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Post by Stevie »

Could you please specify the method name and the line where the error occurs? :roll:
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Post by rubenjavier »

the problems appears in the four methods that have 2 declarations (the second declaration with different number of parameters), maybe when they work it will appear on other methods, but that's it until now

ZAbstractRODataset.pas(246,15) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData(TField, Pointer, Boolean)"

ZAbstractRODataset.pas(339,14) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TZAbstractRODataset.Lookup(const AnsiString,const Variant,const AnsiString):Variant"

ZAbstractRODataset.pas(348,14) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TZAbstractRODataset.GetFieldData(TField, Pointer, Boolean):Boolean"

ZAbstractRODataset.pas(352,14) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TZAbstractRODataset.UpdateStatus:<enumeration type>"

Thanks Stevie
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Post by Stevie »

Hrm :?
Unfortunately I do not have Linux on my machine for now but on windows I can compile the current version of the zeosdbo with the installed lazarus-snapshot of today...

I think you did not bring your fpc up to date because the db.pp contains these methods that are overridden by TZAbstractRODataset.
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Post by rubenjavier »

Im using the FPC oficial stable release version 2.0.0 from here ... p_id=89339
and the lazarus is a nightly release compiled with "make", the zeosdbo_rework is also a nightly release... Do I need to update the FPC also?, can anybody tell where can I find a 2.0.x or 2.x version of FPC in .rpm or .deb version, so I can be sure it will get installed on the right directories please?
thanks Stevie
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Post by satoto »

It's also happened on my windows too. I install Lazarus-0.9.8-20050719-win32 and the latest zeosdo_rework from cvs (last saturday) and result exactly the same error messages with rubenjavier's. i'm still fighting ... Hopes somebody will help us ....
BTW, I'm trying to leave delphi that I use since D1 (win31), looking for IDE that not depend on microsoft. Still hoping that lazarus can replace Delphi 7 ..... even with lots of effort ....
thx.. :(
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Post by Stevie »

satoto wrote:I install Lazarus-0.9.8-20050719-win32 and the latest zeosdo_rework from cvs (last saturday) and result exactly the same error messages with rubenjavier's.
Erm... first try the newest lazarus version and please deinstall your old one to avoid conflicts between old and new files.

I have got Lazarus-0[1].9.9-20050817-win32.exe and it works.
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Post by rubenjavier »

you can download the latest lazarus CVS snapshot from here
for SVN snapshot you need to use SVN, but I've tried zeos with SVN version of lazarus under linux and got the same error, while with the CVS version I didnt got the error, but you can try
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Post by satoto »

before installing in windows, i've tried to install lazarus package on linux.
1. Fresh Install FC4
2. Install glib-devel and gdk-pixbuf-devel
3. Install fpc-2.0.0-0.rpm
4. download fpc from svn
5. make install
6. down load latest lazarus, make clean all
7. install zeosdbo package
8. fails as mention above ....
9. give up ?
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Post by Stevie »

Have you already downloaded and installed the latest snapshot from ???
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Post by silviogs »

:) dear friend rubenjavier

I got to install the zeos 6.5.1 so much in the lazarus win32 as in the lazarus for linux(debian). I inform although I also got to install PostgreSQL 8.0.3 in the win32 and Linux(debian). So much the lazarus, zeoslib and PostgreSQL are working perfectly well in the two operating systems.

I received an e-mail the one where a friend of the forum reserved in your server so that I could make an upload of the file zeoslib.rar, this file was what installed the zeos in the lazarus for win32 and linux.

it follows text in the complete:

"Dear Silvios,

On the ZEOSlib forums you posted a link to ZEOSLib for
Lazarus. I'm very interested in that, I'm using Lazarus now
for a week and would be greatly interested in having ZEOSLib
available in Lazarus.

I downloaded the 8 zipfiles, but I cannot unzip them, WinZIP
complains that it is corrupt.

I created a ftp-account on my server. Would you please be so
kind to upload the ZIP (as one single file please, not a
multi-part ZIP) to my server. The server is publicly
available under the URL:

You can login using FTP:
Username: silvios
Password: randpwd4235

If you want, you can also replace the index.html with your
own page, making it your own 'ZEOSLib for Lazarus' page.

Anyway, thanks in advance for helping me out by uploading
the ZIP. And thanks for helping all Lazarus users to use

With kind regards,

Simon Lagendijk "

use the user and password for us to make the download of the file.

Good luck to all.


Silvio Guedes
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Post by rubenjavier »

Hi Silvio, I've alredy installed Lazarus under a debian linux too (Kubuntu.. see my other post in the forum fro a few days ago:"Lazarus+Linux= Installed... BUT Can't find" ) there I wrote the general instructions for anyone that want to give a try at linux to be able of installing FPC 2.0.1 and a nightly build of lazarus, and I'm already using zeos with mysql.
I've also readed of some troubles with "dates" this can be caused by the difference between FPC and Delphi for reading pointers and arrays that contains pointers.
I've fixed the files of zeos that contained pointers and didn't have the "^" to make them correctly readables for FPC/Lazarus, But I think I damaged one of the files... I need to do some more testing, but I can send you the files (are less than 20 files), if you want to do some testing too, if someone tells me wich files contains the "date" code I can take a second look at those files too

For satoto:
as I said before, with a SVN version under linux I got the errors, but I dont know yet under win32 (under linux you need FPC 2.0.1 and a CVS nightly build of Lazarus)
under win32 I just used FPC 2.0.0 and a CVS (not a SVN) nightly build of Lazarus from

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Post by satoto »

Stevie & Rubenjavier, thanks for your reply.
I've installed in FC4 both lazarus-0.9.9-20050823-src,zip and (are they the same source?) downloaded from, and installed FPC (2.1.1 as stated in ide) downloaded from SVN.
BTW, because installation of FPC (make install) FPC requires some files (ppc386), I installed fpc 2.0 with fpc-2.0.0-i586.rpm previously (downloaded from sourceforge). (May this causes the error ?) I'll check ruben's general instruction post.
Today, i'll try again in windows.
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Post by rubenjavier »

Yes I think both zip and are the same source
And Yes again the easyest way to install FPC is to install first FPC 2.0.0 from the rpm packages or converting the rpm packages with "alien" command
BUT when you copy the FPC 2.0.1 files over the FPC 2.0.0 ones, you need to do the NEW "make" with the "ppc386" from the FPC 2.0.1, check my other post to see the places where you need to copy the NEW "ppc386" before doing the "make" to compile a 2.0.1 version
ALSO after you have compiled the FPC 2.0.1, you need to RE-"make" the Lazarus so the nightly build can work OK with the FPC 2.0.1
any doubts? check my other post "LAZARUS+LINUX = INSTALLED..."
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Post by satoto »

Thanks Ruben,
I followed your post exactly and ... it works on both FC4/Win32..... !
It's a bit confusing installing on win32. I just download the (binary), put everything on fpc 2.0.0 directory, an install (
cd c:\lazarus,
set path=c:\fpc\2.0.0.\bin\win32;c:\lazarus
windres -i lazarus.rc -o lazarus.res
) (don't understand how it works)

Before compiling zeosdbo_rework, I should put the make path and source path in lazarus.I wondering if anybody can suggest how to install FPC step by step on win32 from source, because i don't know how to update it from source.

And, just curious, is firebird dead ? I've seen no progress on the site.....
It's a bit tricky installing Firebird on FC4, because FB insists installed and FC4 has replaced it with that won't work on FB. Symlink'ing from so.6 to so.5 also won't work.
The solution is installing so.5 from FC line (last version available is FC2, FC3 has so.6) but also cannot install because FC4 rejects it as it assumed has been upgraded to so.6. My solution is by installing so.5 from Mandrake 10.0 and it works....

Thanks again....

(sorry for my bad english ...)
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