Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

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My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Post by gelinp »


I'm rewriting a datamodule from SQLDB to ZEOSDB. I've got a problem into my form because all TDBEdit controls of a detail recordset (uniq table) are ReadOnly without to be activated as it ! And all my datasets looks connected and activated... It's not a multitable recordset, so it doesn't need to be ReadOnly...

I was looking for a readonly flags into all components but I can't find... The master recordset is a TZReadOnlyQuery but the detail reordset is Editable query. I tested also with a TZTable (editable) but nothing changed. I tested to program Master / Detail by hand, with a code synchronization in order to decoupled the detail dataset from the master Readonly but nothing changed...

All TDBEdit of the detail recordset are into a TPageControl component but it is not readonly... I tested to copy some TDBEdit controls out of the TPageControl component but nothing changed. I tested a simple TLabelEdit into PageControl it is not Readonly, so it doesn't look to be hinerited Readonly from the container...

Connection parameters :
Connection with DesignConnection flag active or not doesn't change anything...

Dataset parameter :
FetchRow () is 0 by default. I tested with 10 but nothing changed...
CachedUpdates flag true or not doesn't change anything

TDBNavigation test :
I added a TDBNavigation and activate edit mode (my datasource autoedit flag is true), but I can't write anything into TDBLabelEditcontrols again...

I Worked this morning 3 hours long and I can't find any other things to do ....
The only documentation I've got is ZEOSDBO from Developpez.com, dated from november 2014... I failed to build doxygen documentation.

I tried yesturday with last subversion of 7.2 branch, but this is the same problem ! (I taked care to erase all fill and rebuild all...)

Could anyone send me a complet documentation in english (or french) ?
Could anybody tell me others things to try ?

Thank you for your help !
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Re: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Post by marsupilami »

Hello gelinp,

that sounds like some bug in the tokenizer or something similar to me. Is the Use Metadata flag of your connection set to true? Which driver do you use? Which FPC/Lazarus/Delphi do you use?

[Edit] I just saw in another thread that you use SQLite 3. Could you give the create table statement for the table that is read only for you?[/Edit]

With best regards,

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Re: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Post by gelinp »

Hello marsupilami :-)

A great thank to you, it was effectively the Metadata flags which was false that causes the readonly mode dataset.

About documentation, the best I can read is on the web site developpez.com. But there is no information about this metadata flag and there is a lot of chapter not writed...

Do you know a complete documentation about zeosdb ? (I failed to build the one provided with doxygen, and I don't know the reason...)
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Re: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Post by marsupilami »

Hello gelinp,

currently there is no complete documentation. The doxygen documentation probably also only works for the dbc layer of the component suite. I try do document things that come my way in the Wiki but there is no concentrated effort on generating documentation. You are welcome if you want to step up and take that challenge. Maybe it is also possible to use some old documentation and adapt it to the current set of components.

With best regards,

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