Zeos 6.5.1 with Delphi 5 professional

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Zeos 6.5.1 with Delphi 5 professional

Post by Chaosworld »

does there exist any way to install Zeos 6.5.1 in delphi 5 prof.? The last version "only" had the problem, that delphi 5 prof. does not have ado. So i had to comment the lines out.
But now i tried to install 6.5.1 cos i need some function that are in MYSQL 4.1 but not in MYSQL 4.0. And only Zeos 6.5.1 support MYSQL 4.1.
But when i tried to install Zeos 6.5.1 i got much more problems than with the 6.1.5. . First i put ADO out. For the missing DateUtils.pas i found the solution here in the forum. I used the offered file. But than types.dcu and variants.dcu where missing. And it continued like this.
So did anybody installed Zeos on delphi 5 Professional? It would be wounderfull it get to know how to do it? Or maybe someone have changed files to install it.

Thanks for every answer
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Post by mdaems »

I installed the last version released by the old team and that one was working without problems. (no blame to the new team however, they're doing a great job continuing the project)
Until now i did not find blocking bugs for the simple applications I've written. I'm also waiting for a newer version that Delphi 5 compatible again. I suppose the bugfixing has been done on newer versions of Delphi. So I hope there's somebody in the new team who can install Delphi 5 and can add the modifications that are necessary. Unfortunately I can't do it myself as I'm not experienced enough to do that kind of version dependend coding.

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Post by Chaosworld »

Which version of Delphi 5 do you have? Do you have ADO in delphi 5 Professional???? I extra looked on my cd and i don't have it. And do you have DateUtils.pas, types.dcu and Variants.dcu in your Delphi 5??

If you really have delphi 5 professional and not enterprise-Edition, could you tell me how you really did it?

PS.: I don't want to blame the new team, i have a lot respect of their job. I just expect that maybe they don't have delphi 5 (it is a relative old Delphi-Version). So i asked here in the hope that someone who have more experience knows the way to manipulate the Package this way that i can install it on delphi 5 professional.

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Post by mdaems »


I think I have the enterprise edition, so the ADO part is not a problem for me.
The DateUtils and other units were not used in that old version. (14/11/2004)

If you can fix the ADO part I propose you give the 2004 version a try (see sourceforge). As I said for simple applications it can be sufficient. There's one catch : some properties will be different once there is a newer version suitable for D5.

If Delphi was free I would already have upgraded... Lazarus installation works perfect (enough for me) but the conversion of my app is somewhat difficult as L does not have all components I used.

So we'll have to wait and hope the D5 compatibility will still be implemented in the next stable version.

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Post by Chaosworld »

Well like i said in the first text i am using the Version 6.1.5. There it was relative easy. I just had to erease the parts with ADO and it was possible to install it. Only in 6.5.1(!!!!) it was not so easy anymore.
What i now don'T understand, did you install the old 6.1.5 or the new 6.5.1alpha on your delphi 5?
Even if you have Delphi 5 Enterprise, you will have no problems with the ADO-Componente, but types.dcu and variants.dcu shall still miss, didn't they?
Or did you found a way to fix this part of the Zeos 6.5.1alpha?

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Post by mdaems »

New 6.5.1 Alpha of 14/11/2004.
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zeos ... p?download

This version did not use these units, I think. Can you check? (At the moment I've no source on my PC)

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Post by Chaosworld »

you are right
it really works :-D


I just had to erease the ADO-Componets like always and all works :-D

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