ZQuery DbGrid optical problem

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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ZQuery DbGrid optical problem

Post by haentschman »

hi all... :D

i am the first time here and i have the first problem wit ZeosDBO 6.6.2

... my English is not perfect... i hope you understand :oops:

i have on the Form:

TDbGrid or JVDbGrid or JVgDbGrid --> the Problem is the same...
2 TDbEdit Fields

after the SELECT i have in the Grid the Data I need --- this works.

the DbGrid Options: RowSelect-True

the Problem:

- on start the first Row is selected - normal
- srolling trough the Data - no :shock:
---> but the Data in the Edit Fields were changed :gruebel:

- if i klick on a cell only this one cell is marked in blue
---> the selected Row is always the same :shock:

- by a test I have changed the Query to ZTable and it works normaly....

I have no answer...can you help :?:
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Post by mdaems »

Kein Problem :)

Please send a small sample project showing the problem. I hate guessing your setup details.

If you think it's a bug : file it here : http://zeosbugs.firmos.at/
Your report should include :
- what zeos, delphi, database versions you use
- the files necessary to compile the project (no dcu, exe, ...)
- a sql script to create and fill the sample tables (no data files, please, they are database dependent)

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Post by haentschman »

hi all... :D

sorry for the missing Informations.... :oops: it was early in the morning :roll:

at first:

Delphi 5 Professional
Firebird 2.0
Zeos 6.6.2 Beta

for the sample Project i need a little more time... :roll:

... i hope it´s not a Bug...

Thanks for the fast answer... :roll:
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Post by mdaems »

Take your time... Better a good example than thousands of words.

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Post by haentschman »

hi all... :D

i found the Error.... :P

for your Information:

- in my project i placed the ZConnection in a DataModul...

- in the sample Project i placed the ZConnection on the Main Form... and it works with the ZQuery .... :shock:

.... ZConnection not in a Data modul.... :evil:

Thanks for all.... bye
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Post by mdaems »

I'm not used to using data modules. So no idea... but this looks weird.
Is it logical not to put the ZConnection in a Data Module? If not : it's a bug...
Can you please help us by reporting it in a reproducible way?

I would like to ask you to continue your sample project like this:
- Add a datamodule. (If there's none yet)
- Duplicate all components
- Let the duplicate components use the same query and other settings, only start from a connection on the datamodule.
- This way you should have the good and the bad behaviour next to each other.
- Zip everything together and log a bug (see above).

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Post by haentschman »

...hi all :P

ok ... i write the Sample Project .

i hope in the next few days.... 8)

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Post by haentschman »

... hi all :D

... i was to fast with my answer.... :oops:

in the Sample Project i had not these Problems... :gruebel:

... the width of the Grid was the Ploblem... :shock:

when the with of the grid exacly end with the end of the last colum then i have these optical problem...

i write a sample project to show this... bye
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Post by jozagulikoza »

This is not error. Its feature of dbgrid

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