Remote Desktop Connection - Slow Startup Times

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Secret Squirrel
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Remote Desktop Connection - Slow Startup Times

Post by Secret Squirrel »

Hi Guys,

I have been running the Public Beta Version ( for some time now and must congratulate Orbmu2k for a great job well done.

My only gripe is with the application startup time over a Remote Desktop Connection which is painfully slow.

Tests here show that on a local machine startup takes approx 3 seconds from double clicking the icon to the application being fully loaded. But over a broadband Remote Desktop Connection this startup time is approx 180 seconds during which the rest of the desktop is un-responsive.

Once the application has loaded it's response times are on par when running things locally.

Now I appreciate there will be some latency due to the broadband RDC connection but not 3 minutes worth.

I believe the root cause of the startup problems is the constant redrawing of the splash screen graphic.

Therefore my I request an option, in a future version, which disables the splash screen on startup.

Many thanks

Secret Squirrel
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 2
Joined: 08.03.2007, 17:39

Post by Secret Squirrel »

Hi Guys,

I have just spotted a new beta version ( has been released which includes a 'No Splash Screen' enhancement.

A quick test here, with the Splash Screen turned off, and the load times over RDC are now back on par with a local workstation startup.

Thanks for adding the option.
