Memory leak on changing SQL propery

Forum related to version 6.1.5 of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Memory leak on changing SQL propery

Post by Vijeolook »

Using ZQuery component with different queries. Same ZQurey component is used with different queries by clearing and reloading the SQL property. This causes a memory leak. In Bcb4, can be reproduced with the following code:


ZQuery1->SQL->Add("INSERT INTO `logopak`.`logtest2` VALUES (NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Abcdef', 123, 123.456)");

It's not necessary to make a connection to the database or open/ execute the query, just setting the SQL property is enough.

P.s. For best results, make a loop to add 100 (or more) strings to the SQL property when a push-button is activated...

Mr Frustrated (alias Jon)
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