I tried zeoslib from trunk on Linux (32bits, ubuntu) with FPC 2.1.5 and Lazarus/trunk. Everything went fine up until ZAbstractRODataset.pas
It seems that an odd define/ifdef caused a wrong number of elements problem in procedure TZAbstractRODataset.CheckFieldCompatibility(Field: TField;FieldDef: TFieldDef) concretly:
BaseFieldTypes: array[TFieldType] of TFieldType = (
ftUnknown, ftString, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftBoolean, ftFloat,
ftFloat, ftBCD, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftBytes, ftVarBytes,
ftInteger, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftUnknown,
ftString, ftString, ftLargeInt, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet,
ftBlob, ftBlob, ftVariant, ftInterface, ftInterface, ftString, ftTimeStamp, ftFMTBcd
{$IFDEF VER2_1_3}, ftString, ftBlob{$ENDIF});
I fixed the problem by removing the {$IFDEF VER2_1_3} which seems ISN'T defined for FPC 2.1.5 (or 2.1.4) and thus causes a compiler error (because TFieldType still has the original number of elements). It seems to have worked. You can detect fpc version properly by combination of major and minor defines. NOTE: I got zeoslib sources from svn://firmos.at/zeos as per Lazarus wiki...
Bug, and fix, for zeoslib(trunk) with FPC/Lazarus in Linux
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