The text type column value isn't correct, always is (MEMO).

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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The text type column value isn't correct, always is (MEMO).

Post by szoradie »

Hello everybody, I'm new using zeos.

I have a postgre8.1 database and I use delphi6 + zeos 6.6.1 .
I use simlpy Zconnection + Ztable + datasource + dbgrid.
If I open a table all column valus is correct except the text type column value.
If I see the value always is (MEMO).

What is your advice, what is the solution?

Please help me!

Thank you for your help!

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Post by cipto_kh »

I think because the text type is BLOB type text. Try to use TDBMemo to display it.
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Post by btrewern »

I've learned from bitter experience that you need varchar(254) instead of text for most string fields. In Delphi anything bigger is a problem as it's always treated as a Memo field. It also helps when using MS Access to connect to PostgreSQL.

BTW if you just want to view your Memo fields in a dbgrid then see the JVCL data grids. I think either of those will do what you want.


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