7.2 testers-thread

The forum for ZeosLib 7.2 Report problems. Ask for help, post proposals for the new version and Zeoslib 7.2 features here. This is a forum that will be edited once the 7.2.x version goes into RC/stable!!

My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »


I have the Windows 10-64 build 10074, PostgreSQL 9.3.0 and works in Delphi XE8 32/64.
I suspect that you have a mistake in the installation.

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by Hereibi »

Friend ... @miab3...
All we talk ...
Delphi XE8;
postgresql-9.3.7-1-windows-x64; and
Windows 10 - Build 10074.

You have no idea what can be ???
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@Hereibi, All,

I attached my packages for Delphi XE8 Win32/64 and modified zeos.inc.
(my Zoes is placed in the directory "$(BDS)\libs").
Try with them.
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@Hereibi, All,

For Delphi XE2 and above (multi-compiler), I applied properly in the:
- Library path: $(Platform)\$(Config) (for below: build or dcu)
- Browsing path: component core dbc parsesql plain

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All,

Hotfix: /branches/testing-7.2/src/core/ZVariant.pas [r3633] faulty!!!(CT 5.40 Win-32).

Last edited by miab3 on 17.06.2015, 20:43, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by Hereibi »

Miab3, All ...

I want to thank you the package you sent was of great help. The error was fixed. Thanks ..

I would like if possible, keep getting changes and corrections when made ... and I put myself at the disposal if I can help.

And forgive me my english, a translator google ... ok ...
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by markus »

Hi All,

I've decided to try Zeos with new CBuilder XE8. I've used rev 3628 and zeos.inc that Michal posted for Delphi XE8.
At first i had some hassle with paths: C++ compiler and delphi compiler paths are now separate parameters.

After succesfull compilation of all packages and installation of components, when i tried to do some test app, i've got AV error when i tried to put TZQuery on a form.

After some time spend i've found that error is caused when
WITH_GENERIC_TLISTTFIELD directive is declared in Zeos.inc in section DELPHI17_UP

after commentig this directive i was able to put components on form and run application.
This directive is used only in ZAbstractRODataset.pas

What can be wrong with that directive?

Best regards,
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@markus, @EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All,

This change introduced for XE4 and needed confirmation:
Perhaps it is not needed.

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by markus »


But apparently this directive works fine with Delphi.
Although Hereibi recent problem looks very similar...

Best regards,
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by Hereibi »

Hello, miab3 the Libpq.dl can be generated new ... because today killed the libpq.dll and then copied the libpq.dlll the ZeosLib repository (ZeosLib \ lib \ postgresql), and ready again .. error .. . I stopped working all over again ... as he had a copy compared with that there were and are different. So I took this my copy and it worked.
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@markus, All

This means that for CBuilder in Zeos.inc need to comment:

Code: Select all

{.$DEFINE WITH_GENERIC_TLISTTFIELD} //GetFieldList() uses the generic TList<TField>
1. Probably related:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2990 ... workaround

2. I think XE8 Update 1 fix it:

@Hereibi, All

Should use client libraries appropriate for the server version, not the old dll libraries from the repository Zeos.
(They are put there as an example).

Last edited by miab3 on 08.07.2015, 09:32, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

Zeos7.2-beta branches_ testing_Revision 3636:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.2/
and my packages and zeos.inc for Delphi XE8,

compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2007 -> C++ (Windows 8.1-64),
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) (Windows 7-64),
- DXE8 32/64 (Windows 10-64 build 10130),
- Lazarus 1.4-32 (Windows 7-32),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Windows 8.1-64)
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Debian 8-64),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Fedora 22-64),
- CodeTyphon ver 5.40(r5321) 32/64(fpc 3.1.1) (Windows 7-64).
(Lazarus for Linux tested with SQLite and client: Firebird, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL(FreeTDS)).

Passes Test-Benchmark mORMot 15 - External DB performance(mod) ver 1.18.1492 2015-06-17 13:28:57:
http://synopse.info/fossil/info/1f78b99 ... b0b9816408
Delphi XE2-32 localhost and remote.

Test databases and 32/64-bits clients:
SQLite 3.8.7, Firebird 2.5.4, Firebird 3.0 Beta r31557 MySQL 5.5.40, MariaDB 5.5.40, MariaDB 10.1.1 Alpha,
PostgreSQL 9.3.0, Oracle XE 11.2g, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express(mssql, FreeTDS, ado-sqlncli), *.mdb-ado-Jet.OLEDB.4.0.

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

and Firebird 3.0 RC1 (r31920).

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

Zeos7.2-beta branches_ testing_Revision 3638:
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.2/
and my packages and zeos.inc for Delphi XE8,

compiles and runs on (I have tested):

- D2007 -> C++ (Windows 8.1-64),
- DXE2 32/64 -> C++(32) (Windows 7-64),
- DXE8 32/64 (Windows 10-64 build 10240),
- Lazarus 1.4.2-32 (Windows 7-32),
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Windows 8.1-64)
- Lazarus 1.4-64 (Debian 8-64),
- Lazarus 1.4.2-64 (Fedora 22-64),
- CodeTyphon ver 5.40(r5415) 32/64(fpc 3.1.1) (Windows 7-64).
(Lazarus for Linux tested with SQLite and client: Firebird, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL(FreeTDS)).

Passes Test-Benchmark mORMot 15 - External DB performance(mod) ver 1.18.1757 2015-08-09 19:44:20:
http://synopse.info/fossil/info/40d46e8 ... be053bbe2d
Delphi XE2-32 localhost and remote.

Test databases and 32/64-bits clients:
SQLite 3.8.7, Firebird 2.5.4, Firebird 3.0 Beta r31920 MySQL 5.5.40, MariaDB 5.5.40, MariaDB 10.1.1 Alpha,
PostgreSQL 9.3.0, Oracle XE 11.2g, MSSQL 2008 R2 Express(mssql, FreeTDS, ado-sqlncli), *.mdb-ado-Jet.OLEDB.4.0.

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Re: 7.2-Beta testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.2 for Delphi 10 Seattle needs to add in zeos.inc:

Code: Select all

// Compilation directives for Delphi 10 Seattle by miab3
  {$DEFINE VER200BELOW} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE DELPHI12_UP} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE DELPHI14_UP} // used in tests only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI15_UP} // Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI16_UP} // Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI17_UP} // Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI18_UP} // Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI19_UP} // Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI20_UP} //By dieletro Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI21_UP} //Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI22_UP} //By miab3 Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE DELPHI23_UP} //By miab3 Used in zeos.inc only
  {$DEFINE BDS4_UP} // Used in code
  {$DEFINE BDS5_UP} // Used in code
The whole corrected ZEOS inc attached:
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