I am new to Zeoslib and have not been able to use zeos component with Firebird 1.5 as I keep getting the above error message.
Please help!
Basically I just dropped a TZConnection and a TZquery component on a new form. After setting the necessary properties, I managed to connect the database. However when I tried to set the active property of the query to true, I get a SQL error -Error code -804.
The following are the properties settings:
object ZConnection1: TZConnection
ControlsCodePage = cCP_UTF8
Connected = True
HostName = 'localhost'
Port = 0
Database = 'D:\kj_fpk\xl2Firebird\_db\EMPLOYEE.FDB'
User = 'sysdba'
Password = 'masterkey'
Protocol = 'firebird-1.5'
left = 83
top = 25
object ZQuery1: TZQuery
Connection = ZConnection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select *'
'from employee'
Params = <>
left = 161
top = 27
Error code -804
Error code -804
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