ZeosLib 6.1.5 + CBuilder6 + FireBird 2.0 RC

Forum related to version 6.1.5 of ZeosLib's DBOs

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ZeosLib 6.1.5 + CBuilder6 + FireBird 2.0 RC

Post by Hikari »

Hello. I'm using Zeos for more than 1 year to connect CBuilder6 and FireBird.

But everytime I reinstall Windows and must install CBuilder and Zeos, I lose lots of hours trying to fix problems. I already had problems on compiling ZeosDbo projects, saving my programs, compiling them, and executing them :cry:

At this time, I'm able to install ZeosLib accordingly. CBuilder6 opens and saves programs.

But if I create a simple program, put on it a ZConnection and ZQuery, when I try to compile I receive this error:

"The procedure entry point @Zclasses@TZAnyValue@ could not be located on the dynamic link library Zcore.bpl."

I desinstalled CBuilder and reinsalled it many times, with the same error. Do you guys know what I could do to be able to compile programs?

Also, is there a way to desinstall only ZeosLib without need to desinstalling the full CBuilder?

I see Zeos 6.6.0 was released, gratz. I'm still using 6.1.5 because it is (should be) stable. Should I update to 6.5 or 6.6?
Is there any risk on doing it that my old compiled programs not working anymore?
Or any risk of not being able to compile 6.1.5 source codes on new versions? (they are not compiling now anyway)

Tnx for keeping the project :)
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Post by mdaems »


Try the upgrade, but use SVN Trunk version as there were errors in the released Cbuilder packages. They should be fixed in SVN Trunk version (but I can't guarantee that as I'm not using cbuilder).
If you get it compiled, 6.6 should be more stable than 6.1.5. At least, that's what other users say. Never used 6.1 versions.
For SVN documentation : see Tutorials forum.

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