Zeos 7.1.4
Code: Select all
2015-01-06 20:08:30 cat: Connect, proto: sqlite-3, msg: CONNECT TO "D:\src\GE_Buch\ge_buch1.db" AS USER ""
2015-01-06 20:08:30 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: PRAGMA table_info('Version')
2015-01-06 20:27:03 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: PRAGMA table_info('BankenAbschluss')
2015-01-06 20:27:03 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: PRAGMA table_info('Banken')
2015-01-06 20:44:33 cat: Disconnect, proto: sqlite-3, msg: DISCONNECT FROM "D:\src\GE_Buch\ge_buch1.db"
Code: Select all
2015-01-07 21:23:17 cat: Connect, proto: sqlite-3, msg: CONNECT TO "D:\src\GE_Buch\ge_buch1.db" AS USER ""
2015-01-07 21:23:17 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: select Version from Version
2015-01-07 21:23:17 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: PRAGMA table_info('Version')
2015-01-07 21:23:17 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: select * from init
2015-01-07 21:23:17 cat: Execute, proto: sqlite-3, msg: PRAGMA table_info('init')
2015-01-07 21:23:24 cat: Disconnect, proto: sqlite-3, msg: DISCONNECT FROM "D:\src\GE_Buch\ge_buch1.db"
Kind regards,