ZEOS with BIT(1) field in MySQL and Delphi

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Re: ZEOS with BIT(1) field in MySQL and Delphi

Post by EgonHugeist »

By the way, I m not aware of other DBMS to report "zero rows updated" in that case. At least not so in MS-SQL and DB/2. IMHO this is an idiosyncrasy of MySQL. The RDMS should report how many rows *qualified* for an update, not if anything has really changed.

Let me repeat, this check fails, if:

- there is another bug in ZEOS which reports a wrong value for a column (this thread)
- the stored value in the Dataset is out-of-date due to lack of transaction control.
You are trying to do something but nothing happens because another user already did change "some fields" or "some MORE Fields" in same content you try to update and you don't want to be informed about by default?
MSSQL and DB2 are doing that as well! if UpdateCount=0 than you should refresh the row or do what ever you want! But please DO NOT CALL everything a bug! Instead of blaming the developers and constributers you could help and propose you idea about "transaction control"! :censored:

What ever you want: Turn off this behavior by adding "ValidateUpdateCount=False" to your TZDataSet-Component. This code persits since years.
Second suggestion: Comment the "WITH_VALIDATE_UPDATE_COUNT" define in Zeos.inc.
Best regards, Michael

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