Informations needed for a tutorial

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Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by Sergiomaster »

Hello ,
I attempt to write a Zeos Tutorial (french) , browsing all the capacities of this library . My experience is only ZEOS+Firebird and did not ever use some properties !

Just starting on TZConnexion, i stuck on TZConnection.Catalog property what is his usage , when and how it is useful , is this one Database type related ?
Idem for designconnection property , i am not sure i understand the meaning .

Can somebody explain me these points ?

I think i will have more questions the further i dig :builder:

Hope there will be some answers / help / tips , for other database than Firebird i am open to all suggestions

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by EgonHugeist »


FB does not support Catalogs. This is made for PostgreSQL where, AFAIK, Catalogs AND Schemas are supported...

Go on asking, i'll do my best for a tutorial. Hope you'll provide the results and we can add them to the forum?
Best regards, Michael

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by Sergiomaster »

Hello micheal
Go on asking, i'll do my best for a tutorial. Hope you'll provide the results and we can add them to the forum?
for sure , i will submit it (but not translate it i am afraid) . I will need , i think some technical volunteers to verify my writings also to check if there are big mistakes / understadings etc..

For now , i go deeper in code i ever think to explain some 'subtilities' of TZConnection , hope ZTable,ZQuery and ZReadOnlyQuery will be easier :o
my tutorial trend to be a big manual if i don't care (and i d'nt)

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by EgonHugeist »

Sounds great!

We really have a huge Problem: Documentaions, Exmples and tutorials.. EACH help is welcome!
Best regards, Michael

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by Sergiomaster »

We really have a huge Problem: Documentations, Exemples and tutorials..
Agree ,

I use the 7.1.3 stable version as basis / D7 (older but the main used i think)

:nerd: the deeper i go , the tutorial is going to be a manual (i am enable to forget any functions/procedures/properties i encounter )

examining TZConnection with a fine toothed comb actually , i ran into some questions
  • RegisterDataSet/UnregisterDataset needs (protocol) and usage ? idem for RegisterSequence/UnregisterSequence
  • ClientVersion /ServerVersion I understood it's only for
  • ClientVersionStr, SeverVersionStr returns 0.0.0 for Firebird (and for other i thought ! I found some post on this subject but i am unable to retrieve them when needed :wallb: )
  • GetTableNames , work with Firebird only if Pattern:='' , I tried 'TABLE', 'VIEW' (filters found in Sources ) with no/same results :cry:
  • ShowSQLHourGlass/HideSQLHourGlass , and property SQLHourglass , hum confusing, the functions work only if property set to true , in my mind if this property was set the cursor was prompted every time i make an operation on the Connection and it is not !
  • Difference between Ping and PingServer?
  • functions GetxxxxEscapeString you added as public , necessary ?
As u see , fine toothed comb :wink: but perhaps bad coding in some test
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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by EgonHugeist »


it might be a good idea if you learn to use our test-suites. If you find leaks of implementations it would be sufficent to add a test. Then i can fix the newly fails/exceptions...

Let me explain the current team:
MDeams: Mark is the project administrator. He has a high knowledge about general SQL/design questions and is allways the second pair of eyes if something went wrong. Before doing some breaking changes we mostly discuss in background.
Miab3: Just see ... =40&t=3795 He newly learned to use our tests too and he tests current code in a VERY high rate and on some more IDE's than Mark and Me can do this. He also notify me if something went wrong.
AVZ: Actually less active. But a great FireBird guru.
finally me: I'm a straight forward developer. But my english is less used last years before joining Zeos-group. So i don't feel like writing documentations or so. The Zeos code it's selves is simple for me. Fixing something mostly is no problem if i have a valid code to work with.

As you can see there is nobody who can write documentations. A second thing is TIME. Current work is done for free and we all have family and a job. So it might be possible some of us aren't available because of personal reasons.

Why i'm writing this?
1. I would like to propose you start your documentaions using our SVN. Loads of people did start something but we never have seen results, because they give up by unknown reasons. Writing tutorials might be a huge job too. Same like coding tests or current code, adding/changing tests to keep control about behavior changes.
2. If you find bugs as mentioned, just add a test to our suites and i can fix the code...

From my point of view: Each little help is better than NOTHING. So i would like to grant you SVN access for documentaion stuff if you doubt. That way you can go on writing and update the srcipts. Also others can join your "documentaion group" and support you a bit.

What do you think?

A german tutorial link(against Zeos 6.1) -> use google translator ... -firebird/
Here you can find a huge description of Michael Seeger. Sade i left the team, since he did broke with delphi coding :( It's not a problem to contact him. :)
Best regards, Michael

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by Sergiomaster »

it might be a good idea if you learn to use our test-suites. If you find leaks of implementations it would be sufficent to add a test. Then i can fix the newly fails/exceptions...
agree , but ...
we all have family and a job
as you say
Why i'm writing this?
1. I would like to propose you start your documentaions using our SVN. Loads of people did start something but we never have seen results, because they give up by unknown reasons. Writing tutorials might be a huge job too. Same like coding tests or current code, adding/changing tests to keep control about behavior changes.
2. If you find bugs as mentioned, just add a test to our suites and i can fix the code...
in fact , i'm writing this doc
1. in french (yes i know there is google translate but :roll: -no comment)
2. I'm using some tools from and doc is designed for this site (not sure these tools are 'transmissible' or whatever for SVN purpose
my goals :
on the french forum (of , i found a lot of 'new' members still using D7+ BDE + Paradox (learning alone , or tutored like that i fear), yearning for another way (Zeos one :wink: ) . As moderator on this forum , i suggest by many time to use others method and ZeosDBO in particular , but , yes, there is a lack of doc !
Using zeos , can i say weekly , i purpose me to write a tutorial first for this public , but as i said in my last post ,
i am enable to forget any functions/procedures/properties i encounter

and so , tutorial tend to be now a manual (think some corrector will cut some paragraph / hope also have some help by the community )

let me "sleep" on your proposition (test and SVN) , i am not too old to be retired for now (count-down till in years) so my time is not expandable , i fear to take an engagement i could not fill . But you can be sure i will write this tutorial and , at minima , share-it

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by EgonHugeist »

If you want to know a bit more about test-configs, i wrote a little tutorial:

Serge, don't missunderstand me, all languages are welcome. And if there is just a link .. it's ok too. But from our experiences, most third party links have been broken after a while.. That's why we would appiciate a Zeos-owned doc/tutorial etc.

However, don't hessitate to write a tutorial they way YOU want to do it, Serge.

Btw. If you download Zeos from SVN you will allready have MOST code-snippets you need. It might be possible some parts (like you did mention before) are not fully tested :(
Best regards, Michael

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Re: Informations needed for a tutorial

Post by EgonHugeist »


did some fixes accordingly GetServerVersion, GetHostVersion etc..

Patch done R3431 \testing-7.2.
Best regards, Michael

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