Zeoslib 6.6 development freeze

Announcements from the ZeosLib Development Team

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Zeoslib 6.6 development freeze

Post by mdaems »

Hi to all of you!!

Today we announce a development freeze for ZEOSLib. This is GOOD news, as it means we're preparing the beta test period of ZEOSLIB 6.6.

What's changing?

1. All new features sent as patches by our users that are not yet integrated, will move to next version (6.7 or higher). We do hope that users who have sent new feature patches do keep them up to date in their environments untill we integrate them after next release (or untill we answer them the patch will not be integrated). We know it's not fun, but we'll have to live with it if we ever want to get to a new stable release.

2. The only exception to this rule is the addition of new languages in the ZMessages.pas file. If somebody feels like adding his own language we can only encourage that. There's also some translation work left in this file. So, if your language is already included, please do us a favour and check if everything is done. And send us a diff or the new file.

3. We will soon move SVN 'testing branch' to 'trunk'. This move is the official start of the beta testing period. We hope to keep this beta testing limited to about one month.

4. We will release a beta package for download named ZEOSLIB-6.6.0-Beta. When important bugs are fixed new packages can be released increasing the third (0) digit.

5. We hope a lot of users test these beta versions. And we also hope they don't have to report too much bugs in the bug reports forum.

6. We also hope you have a look at this bug reports forum. We could use some more developers, especially in the more 'exotic' configurations. (eg. Oracle, Kylix, Delphi 5/6, Sybase, ...) If you see a bug you can fix, please do so and send us the patch. If it's a big job that takes some time, just leave a reply to the topic to avoid somebody else does the same. You best post fixes as a reply to the topic as well.

7. Fixes will be applied to the testing branch and moved to trunk after about a week to make sure it doesn't break up other things (eg. Windows-Linux differences). The bug report topic will stay open untill you confirm the bug is fixed indeed. Please do not report bugs and forget about us. We hate sending messages to ask for confirmation.

Have a good day,
