TLargeInt Field and LargeInt Parameters

Forum related to version 6.1.5 of ZeosLib's DBOs

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TLargeInt Field and LargeInt Parameters

Post by cipto_kh »

Hi I want to ask, this command in Delphi 7 with ZeosDBO 6.1.5 from Firebird 1.5.2


Is is true??
Because ZQuery2 has a "idFoo" field that has a LargeInt type (BigInt type from Firebird). The ZQuery1 also has a LargeInt type for "id" field, but if I pass it thorough parameter, I didn't find AsLargeInt from paramByNamer.
If the value from "idFoo" higher than the maximum integer value, Is It still valid to pass it like the above code??

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Post by fduenas »

well if your id value doesn't pass the Integer type boundary i dont' se eany problems. at the end, paramaters has this poroperty as Variant, so they store any value. if you eant to make sure, you can use this:

[syntax="delphi"]ZQuery1.ParamByName('id').Value := ZQuery2idFoo.AsLargeInt;[/syntax]

Version 6.1.5 it's now a little offdated, 6.5.1 (soon 6.5.2) has been improved a lot, so i think you can give a chance to 6.5.1, it has a lot of corrections and improvements.

You can get it from the ZeosLib CVS releases in the downloads section
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