example i just currently use it like that
Code: Select all
dbconnect.LibraryLocation := 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\project\mysql\libmysql.dll';
Moderators: gto, cipto_kh, EgonHugeist
Code: Select all
dbconnect.LibraryLocation := 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\project\mysql\libmysql.dll';
Code: Select all
dbconnect.LibraryLocation := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'mysql\libmysql.dll';
Thanks thats solve my issues .marsupilami wrote:Hello drama22,
usually it should be enough to set library location to libmysql.dll if the library is located in your application folder. If you want to place it in a subfolder, you could do something likeMaybe you should implemet a checkl with fileexists before setting that value.Code: Select all
dbconnect.LibraryLocation := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'mysql\libmysql.dll';
Best regards,