Partial Fetch

Freature requests from users for ZeosLib's DBOs

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Partial Fetch

Post by cipto_kh »

The feature that I think also important for ZeosDBO is the ability to partially fetch the data for large resultset from query or selectable procedure, when the user scroll down the data then the component will fetch again for data.

This feature is like the Direct Oracle Access component
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Post by fduenas »

If you are using any DBgrid type component to see your records set TzQuery's property 'Filtered' to true, even if there is no filter speciofied, this will caus eto only fetch records.

the issue really is the RecordCount porperty. If not filteres it will return all recirds to count them, so DBgrid as also other girs call record coutn to check the number fo records.

So setting filtered to true will cause Dbgrid an other onmyl to fech record by record.
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