1. I get '[Pascal Fatal Error] ZPropertyEditor.pas(49): File not found: 'DesignIntf.dcu' under C++Builder[5-6]
The missing file is part of ToolsAPI ('Delphi and Kylix Cross-Platform Open Tools API') which must be installed from the C++Builder installation CD. They should reside in '$(BCB)/Source/Toolsapi', where '$(BCB)' is the C++Builder installation folder (something like 'C:/Program Files/Borland/CBuilder6'). In case they were not installed, one can just copy them from the installation CD to the above mentioned location.
2. I get '[C++ Error] oledb.h(3064): E2015 Ambiguity between 'DBROWCOUNT' and 'Zplaindblibdriver::DBROWCOUNT''
when compiling a project.
To solve the 'ambiguity' place an
#include "oledb.h"
before any Zeoslib includes (better in the pre-compiled header file).
3. I get '[C++ Error] ZPlainAdo.hpp(516): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly' when compiling a project.
ZPlainAdo declares EOF as a property.
EOF is also defined in <stdio.h>
If stdio.h is included before ZPlainAdo.hpp, it will give an error on compile. The other way around works.
Try to place any include file which may refer to stdio after ZPlainAdo (or if you don't use ADO just rename EOF or disable
support for ADO completely when installing the library).