Runtime Error 216 on Program Shutdown on Delphi 2006 (10)

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Dorin,

My system can't display that site. It doesn't recognize svn as a protocol.


- Mike Z.
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Post by mdaems »

SVN is the Subversion protocol. So you'll need a subversion client. That's the version control system we use (like cvs).

If you take the highest version at it's exactly the same source. (maybe one or two small commits different, but of no importance to your problem) So you don't have to install this extra software. If you want to follow the zeoslib development closely (updating from version control, writing patches,...) it would be a nice extra, however.

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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Dorin,

I have downloaded the component from SVN and copied it into my C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib directory (or something like that.)

Next question: Which directories do I add to my Delphi Library Path?

Thanks -

Mike Z.
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Post by dhongu »


All subfolders for folder ZeosLib

C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\component
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\core
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\dbc
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\parsesql
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\plain
Dorin Hongu
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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Dorin,

I have added those 5 subfolders:
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\src\component
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\src\core
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\src\dbc
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\src\parsesql
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\src\plain

Should I now Open the Project:
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\packages\delphi10\ZComponent.dpk


Thanks -

- Mike Z.
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Post by MZmuda »

Hello, Dorin,

Also, after I open the project, should I compile and install it? (in that order?)

Thanks -

Mike Z.
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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Dorin, Mark,

I haven't compiled anything yet. This is usually where the problem arrises. Should I load C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Third_Party_Components\ZeosLib\packages\delphi10\ZComponent.dpk, compile and install it (in that order?) or is there a step I'm missing?

Thanks -

Mike Zmuda.
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Post by mdaems »

I would start compiling ZCore, ZParseSql, ZPlain and ZComponent (in that order) and install ZComponent after that. That's the way it should work.
I hope it does. (It did for me, once when I had D2006 installed)
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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Mark,

When I load ZCore, I am presented with a prompt: "Upgrading Project: ZCore.dpk - This proiject must be upgraded before it can be opened. Please select which project type you wish to target."

I am presented with two options: Delphi for Win32, and Delphi for .NET.

For all of my past attempts, I have been trying to convert it to Win32. Is this the correct course of action, or should I be converting to .NET? (Does it matter?)

Also, this should be the same for ALL of the components, correct?

Thanks -

Mike Z.
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Post by mdaems »

No idea. I would go for 'Delphi for Win32' as I don't know if it's even possible to make a .NET application with ZEOS.

I suppose you will have to choose this for all the packages.

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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Mark,

Well, it looks good so far - the components (ZCore, ZParseSql, ZPlain and ZComponent) all compiled correctly. (I should note that, upon CLOSING the components, it asked to SAVE the components, and I DID. Please let me know if this was a mistake.) Furthermore, I clicked INSTALL for the ZComponent project, and Delphi alerted me that the component was installed.

After that, I restarted Delphi. I should now be "good to go" with creating an application, correct?

- Mike Z.
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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Mark, Dorin,

I would like to report that on THIS system (brand new, no other software running on it,) ZeosLib compiled, was installed, and ran properly. While doing the EXACT same things on THREE other computer systems, some component failed. IE: ZComponent would not compile or install; the component WOULD install, but would not compile when needed by a host program; the component WOULD install and compile, but would report an Access Violation 00000000 when terminating...

I have since created the same, simple program (database, table, datasource, grid) set up all of the connections, and successfully run the program.

The only thing that I can see is different between the computers is the OS -

One of my computers contains Windows XP Media Center Edition, two contain Windows XP Home edition. Neither of these OS variants would properly compile / install / run the ZeosLib when so required. Surprisingly, ZeosLib WOULD install on an XP Pro (sp2) box.

Is ZeosLib restricted in that it must be compiled under XP Pro when being used in Delphi 10? (I have spoken with the tech support folks at Borland, and they have told me that Delphi DOES work on XP Home, however, only Win32 programs can be created, but components should not be affected...)

Have you encountered this strangeness at any other times?

Also, thank you for your patience with this. I am VERY happy to have Zeos back in my programming arsenal. (You don't know how hard it was living without it these past few weeks!)

Thanks again!

- Mike Zmuda.
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Post by Michael »

@all: Hi!

Using D2006 - Enterprise Edition (ger.) - Version: 10.0.2288.42451 Update 2 (also applied the Hotfixes) and solved the problem like this (thx to Mark for the hint!).

@Mark: Had diverse probs using your "@"-Version ;-)

[syntax="delphi"]destructor TZMySQLNativeLibraryLoader.Destroy;
if (Loaded) and (GetAddress('mysql_server_end') <> nil) then
inherited Destroy;

You have to extend this method in all the ZPlainMySqlxx.pas files. Compiles and runs perfectly :up:

:prog2: Use the source, dude!

[align=right]..::.. ZeosLib on SourceForge ..::..[/align]
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Post by MZmuda »

What operating system are you using? That was the only real difference I could see between my boxes.


- Mike Z.
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Post by Michael »

Hi Mike!

Using Win XP SP2 (frequently auto-updated ;-) )


:prog2: Use the source, dude!

[align=right]..::.. ZeosLib on SourceForge ..::..[/align]
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