sqlite, params, insert not working

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My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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sqlite, params, insert not working

Post by vbazovic »

Enviroment: CodeTyphon 4.9 with Zeos Rev 3112, ver 7.2.0 has a problem (works fine with 7.1.2) with sqlite3 ( library version) on Linux.

When you try an insert/update query with parameters (ParamByName method) it does not work. This is some debug info:

Exception class: EZSQLException
Message: SQL Error: constraint failed
$0000000000A24A13 line 248 of source/dbc/ZDbcSqLiteUtils.pas
$0000000000A22CDA line 348 of source/dbc/ZDbcSqLiteStatement.pas
$0000000000905463 line 1960 of source/component/ZAbstractRODataset.pas
$0000000000507E09 line 765 of main.pas
$0000000000507938 line 856 of main.pas
$0000000000507258 line 330 of main.pas
$000000000050C79E line 1041 of main.pas
$00000000004C5D92 line 18 of ekartonsek.lpr

The only constraint is primary key.

When I drop this constraint I get correct number of rows with all nulls!!! SQL was insert into table with retruning statement (used Open method ).
PK is varchar.

I did try to fix it myself but without success.
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Re: sqlite, params, insert not working

Post by EgonHugeist »

Could you attach a simple demo, please? just a console app would be sufficient..
Best regards, Michael

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