zeosdbo-6.5.1-alpha_cvs cannot be compiled with Delphi 2006

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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zeosdbo-6.5.1-alpha_cvs cannot be compiled with Delphi 2006

Post by xthing »


I would like to install the "zeosdbo-6.5.1-alpha_cvs release as of 13/10/2005" components. Thus I would like to access Firebird. If I want to compile bpl's, the error, "undefined designator: TLoginEvent, File ZConnection.pas" comes. In addition the file ZDatasetUtils.Pas cannot be compiled. My Delphi version is Delphi 2006. Because I did not find 2006 in ZEOS, I used the Delphi version 9 ZEOS source.

Can you help me.

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Post by mdaems »

Hi xthing,

Try the (unofficial) current svn versions at http://users.telenet.be/mdaems
It's the delphi 10 package you should install.

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Post by Cap »

I managed to install package for D7. Everything goes right.
But, I have very strange situation. When import old D7 project in
BDS2006, everything goes well and work perfectly until you close program.
Program exit, all forms disappear, butt process goes on until you close it in Task manager or wait couple minuts. Every other project from D7 works without this strange error (of course, if does not contain any of Zeos component).
I try to compile packages for D10 and D9, but it does not compile everything. Its says that everything is ok, but in build section it does not contain all dcu files (only 35) created with ZPlain.dpk.
I try everything, even with new PC and only BDS2006 installed.
Where I goes wrong? :?:

I really like ZeosLib and congratulate all programers and supporters on great work. :wink:

Sorry for bad English. :oops:

P.S. I try with every ver. of ZeosLIB (Included svn and mdaems versions)
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Post by thomasvonkapellen »


got the same problem like xthing. Tried to fix the error with the TLoginEvent by myself, but it's not the only problem, when comiling the compnents under Delphi 2006. Is there an official update for Delphi version 10 in sight (or even a .NET version), because I love your components, no more accessing MySql via dbexpress!

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Post by MZmuda »

I get pretty much the same problem:

zeosdbo-6.5.1-alpha_cvs release as of 13/10/2005 doesn't install Delphi 9.
ZEOS_TESTING_REV_98.zip doesn't install Delphi 10, but can install Delphi 7.
(Same reasons given above.)

Please implement Delphi 2006 for this package! (I use another database component - a paid one - for some of my programs, but I have to say I'm HAPPIER with the ZeosLib set of components than I am with the one I paid for!)

Now, if only I could get my app compiled in D2006... (I should note that I also have Delphi 6 residing on the same machine, and my app compiles fine in D6... but either I can't install the component in D2006, or get an error when the program terminates...)

So, yeah - PLEASE release a 2006 version of this component! :)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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Post by Terence »

I compiled and installed delphi 10 (2006) packages from latest cvs branch sucessfully...
http://users.telenet.be/mdaems shall work..
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Post by MZmuda »

Hello, Terence, / Fabian,

I tried downloading the ZEOS_TESTING_REV_64 zipfile and installing it.

I'm brand new to Delphi 2006, but have been using Delphi 6 for the past 5 years, so let me tell you what happens. First:

1) I should say I have both Delphi 6 and Delphi 2006 installed on this machine.
2) Delphi 6 has the Zeos library installed (and working perfectly!)

Now, I'm trying to install this into Delphi 2006. Here's what I'm doing. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong:

1) I added the Delphi 10\build directory to my lib path, as well as the src directory, just for good measure.
2) I open project ZComponent from the Delphi2006 packages directory.
3) I open the Project Manager.
4) I right click ZComponent100.bpl and then click Install.

At this point, Delphi 2006 responds with an error:

[Pascal Fatal Error] ZComponent.dpk(32): F2141 Bad file format: 'C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\Delphi6\Projects\BPL\ZPlain.dcp'

First, why is Delphi looking in the DELPHI 6 directory, and what do I have to do to change this behavior, and second, am I going about installing the component properly? (I've only had D2006 for about 3 days now, so I'm still new at this.)

Thanks for your help!

- Mike Zmuda.
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Post by zippo »

Check the PATH system variable.
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Post by Terence »

As zippo said, check system paths...

shouldn't be in system path of windows, and should be in any path (lib,browse, etc) in d10/delphi2006 for win32 or .NET.
Check that there are no Zeos dcus anywhere else then in build path of the zeos inst dir..in your case for delphi 10 and delphi6.

If you apply things mentioned above it will work properly.
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Post by MZmuda »

Ok - I tried that, and it's compiling a lot further than it did before. Now, however, I'm getting a

Cannot load package 'ZComponent70.' It contains unit 'ZSequence,' which is also contained in package 'ZComponent100'

Any ideas?

Thanks again!

- Mike Z.
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Post by MZmuda »

Also, can someone tell me how to REMOVE the erroneous Delphi 7 version of ZeosLib from the tool pallatte for Delphi 2006?

Sorry - Newbie.

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Post by MZmuda »


I was able to uninstall the Delphi 7 version of the code and install the Delphi 10 version (Delphi 2006,) but now, when I run my program, I get a runtime error 216 at 004042E2.

Any ideas?

- Mike Z.
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Post by Terence »

try ..
- remove *.dcu and *.dcp from zeoslib directory.
- recompile/rebuild all zeoslib packages (ZCore, ZPlain, ZParseSql, ZDbc, ZComp) and now use the cvs version and use the
the packages from 'packages/dephi10/' directory for bds 2006 there
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Post by MZmuda »

Hi, Terence,

Thanks for all your patience and help with this problem.

I've been using the "ZEOSLIB - 20060820 Testing branch(rev 98) (zip 8.7MB)" distribution from http://users.telenet.be/mdaems/. Should I be using "ZeosDBO 6.5.1-alpha CVS release as of 13/10/2005" from SourceForge? (The SourceForge version doesn't have a Delphi10 component.)

I will try your suggestion when I get home in about 2 hours and post my results.

Thanks again -

Mike Zmuda.
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Post by Terence »

Of course use the version from http://users.telenet.be/mdaems/ with d10 package included
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