FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005 Connection problem

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FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005 Connection problem

Post by Hardy55 »

Hello @all

Big tanks to all developers for this excellent database-tool!

This is my problem:
ZEOS Version 7.1.3-stable
on Lazarus #: 1.2.0 ( 32 Bit on 64 Bit Win 7 Prof)
FPC-Version : 2.6.2
SVN-Revision : 44303

S_OLD\INST_2005 TCP/IP at port 3261
LAPTOP\INST_2008R2 TCP/IP at port 1057
S_NEW\INST_2008R2 TCP/IP at port 49195
Delphi6 and the dbexpress/BDE - Divers - no connection problems!
Lazarus an ZEOS and the old ntwdblib.DLL - no connection problems!

But !

Hostname : S_OLD\INST_2005 or LAPTOP\INST_2008R2
Lib locatin : C:\DBLIB\32\dblib.dll
Protocol : FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005

when I try this : connect := TRUE
then the hole LAZ IDE hangs, no err - msg
when I start the program then the same drama

with the sqlserver S_NEW\INST_2008R2 there is no connection problem at all!

Hostname :S_NEW\INST_2008R2
Lib Loc : C:\DBLIB\32\dblib.dll
Protocol : FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005

Code: Select all

       ZConnection1.Connected := False;
       ZConnection1.Protocol  :='FreeTDS_MsSQL>=2005';
       ZConnection1.LibraryLocation :='C:\DBLIB\32\dblib.dll';
       ZConnection1.HostName  :=  DB_Instance;
       ZConnection1.Database  := 'MASTER';
       ZConnection1.User      := 'XXXXXXXX';
       ZConnection1.Password  := 'YYYYYYYY';
       ZConnection1.Connected := True; 

With best regards
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