I'm testing an updated version of Zeos 8.0 (SVN version, revision 8099) Packages for C++Builder 12.0 Athens.
1. Build and Install
I'm able to compile and install the ZeosDBO components for Win32 platform.
For Win64 platform, there is a ilink64 error that might be related with C++Builder 12.0 itself:
Code: Select all
[ilink64 Error] Fatal: Import/Export error on symbol _ZTVN6System8Generics11Collections8TList__1IPN4Data2Db6TFieldEEE (flags:0x6004)
2. Test App
With the Win32 version, I was trying to test Zeos 8.0 with C++Builder 12.0 and the error is the same as in 2019 when I was testing 7.3.0:
Something related with TZVariant and its
Code: Select all
vtBigDecimal: (VBigDecimal: TBCD);
So, if the community see some relevance with ZeosLib and C++Builder, I might push this packages to my Github account and then share here.
I hope hear from you soon.