"Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

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"Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by omurolmez »

Hello everyone. I have a strange problem with Zeos.

In both way :
* Select "(none)" for DataSource in IDE
* ZQuery3.DataSource := nil; in code and run

I get "Datasource makes a circular link" exception in here.
{ZAbstractRODataSet.pas}procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
  if IsLinkedTo(Value) then
  if Value.IsLinkedTo(Self) then
    raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SCircularLink);
  DataLink.DataSource := Value;
{datasource.inc} Function TDataSource.IsLinkedTo(ADataset: TDataSet): Boolean;

  DS: TDataSource;

    if Assigned(DS) then
      aDataSet := DS.DataSet
      aDataSet := Nil;
  Until Result or (aDataset=Nil)
ZQuery3:TZQuery SQL is empty.
Lazarus 2.2.2 Fpc 3.2.2 Zeos

---- Edit ----
Put on a datamodule
two TZQuery as ZQuery2 and ZQuery3
two TDataSource as DataSource2 and DataSource3
make these assigments by using IDE
DataSource2.DataSet :=ZQuery2;
DataSource3.DataSet :=ZQuery3;
keep both queries' SQL property empty.
Set ZQuery3.DataSource :=DataSource2 by using IDE
Set ZQuery3.DataSource :=(none) by using IDE or
ZQuery3.DataSource :=nil; by programmatically. In both way, you get the exception.
I tried same with TIBQuery components from Firebird page, I got no exception.
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Re: "Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by marsupilami »

The problem should be fixed in Zeos 7.2 now too. Could you please check the current SVN version?
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Re: "Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by omurolmez »


First of all, thank you for your help and very quick action.
I applied the patched version. I have two issues:

1. First issue
Should we apply same patch to ifNdef(FPC) path or not ?
I mean. Isn't it should be
  if Assigned(Value) and IsLinkedTo(Value) then
  if Assigned(Value) and Value.IsLinkedTo(Self) then
    raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SCircularLink);
  DataLink.DataSource := Value;
rather than
  if IsLinkedTo(Value) then
  if Assigned(Value) and Value.IsLinkedTo(Self) then
    raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SCircularLink);
  DataLink.DataSource := Value;


Anyway, in my environment, code goes through (define FPC)
if Assigned(Value) and Value.IsLinkedTo(Self)
and I updated minimum code for second issue.

2. Second issue:
This code runs without any exception (Did I miss something ?) !
  DataSource1.DataSet :=ZQuery1;
  DataSource2.DataSet :=ZQuery2;
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=DataSource2;
  ShowMessage('2 (I should see this)');
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=nil;
  ShowMessage('3 (I should see this)');
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=DataSource1;
  ShowMessage('4 (I shoud not see this)');
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Re: "Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by marsupilami »

omurolmez wrote: 03.08.2022, 19:23 First of all, thank you for your help and very quick action.
1. First issue
Should we apply same patch to ifNdef(FPC) path or not ?
No - it isn't fixed like this in FPC 8.0. So it most probably isn't necessary.
omurolmez wrote: 03.08.2022, 19:23 2. Second issue:
This code runs without any exception (Did I miss something ?) !

Code: Select all

  DataSource1.DataSet :=ZQuery1;
  DataSource2.DataSet :=ZQuery2;
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=DataSource2;
  ShowMessage('2 (I should see this)');
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=nil;
  ShowMessage('3 (I should see this)');
  ZQuery1.DataSource :=DataSource1;
  ShowMessage('4 (I shoud not see this)');
Honestly I have no clue. I will have to check it as soon as I have time.
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Re: "Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by Nenunikat »

(Sorry on my english.)

I have also a problem with "Datasource makes a circular link" - but with ZTable1.MasterSource.

I have a similar problem, but with MasterSource.
When I assign the value nil to MasterSource, I also get the error message "Datasource makes a circular link".
I did not have this problem under Lazarus 2.06 with FPC 3.0.4 yet.
The reason seems to be a change from FPC 3.0.4 to FPC 3.2.2.

Error example:

Code: Select all

DataModule1.ZTable2.Active := false;
DataModule1.ZTable2.FilterOptions := [foCaseInsensitive];
DataModule1.ZTable2.Filter := 'BEREICH = 1 and BEREICHSID = 0';
DataModule1.ZTable2.Filtered := true;
DataModule1.ZTable2.MasterSource := nil;
DataModule1.ZTable2.LinkedFields := 'BNUMMER';
DataModule1.ZTable2.MasterFields := 'MNUMMER';
DataModule1.ZTable2.MasterSource := DataModule1.DataSource1;
DataModule1.ZTable2.Active := true;
The error occurs with
DataModule1.ZTable2.MasterSource := nil;

It works with:

Code: Select all

procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetMasterDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
  if IsLinkedTo(Value) then
  if Value.IsLinkedTo(Self) then
    raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SCircularLink);
  MasterLink.DataSource := Value;
In the TZAbstractRODataset.SetMasterDataSource function the IsLinkedTo() function is used.
Up to version FPC 3.0.4 this function had the following content:

Code: Select all

Function TDataSource.IsLinkedTo(ADataset: TDataSet): Boolean;



In the current version FPC 3.2.2 it has the following content:

Code: Select all

Function TDataSource.IsLinkedTo(ADataset: TDataSet): Boolean;

  DS: TDataSource;

    if Assigned(DS) then
      aDataSet := DS.DataSet
      aDataSet := Nil;
  Until Result or (aDataSet=Nil)
On the one hand, we work here partly with aDataSet and partly with ADataSet. (Which should not lead to an error with Pascal, because without distinction between upper and lower case).
On the other hand, another - still largely empty - function GetDataSource is referred to:

Code: Select all

function TDataSet.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
The IsLinkedTo() function does not work properly in the context of assigning the value nil and leaves any assignment like
DataModule1.ZTable1.MasterSource := nil; result in the above error.

In the meantime I'm thinking about recompiling either zabstractrodataset.pas with deactivation of IsLinkedTo() or working with a copy of ZTable1 (without assignment to MasterSource). However, this results in a lot of unnecessary resources and instructions.

Is it not better here to skip or replace IsLinkedTo() until it works in FPC?
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Re: "Datasource makes a circular link" exception when assign datasource to nil

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Nenunikat,

this problem was fixed in the 8.0 version of Zeos but for some reason the fix didn't make it into Zeos 7.2. I fixed Zeos 7.2 in the SVN now too. The changes should be available on Github tomorrow. I am not sure when we will release a new official Zeos 7.2 version that will make it into OPM.

Basically I think this is a problem in FPC and should be reported there.

With best regards,

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