zeosdbo from cvs, lazarus and fpc

Forum related to version 6.5.1 (alpha) and 6.6.x (beta) of ZeosLib's DBOs

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Post by bee »

Again... after I upgrade my Lazarus to the latest release v., I failed to install ZeosDBO package (for Lazarus). I really don't like this. :(

Barko, please tell me what I need to do to make Zeos got installed on this Lazarus version, which FPC/Lazarus files I need to patch? Thanks.

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Post by barko »

use FPC 2.0.3 (from svn) and/or FPC 2.1.1 (from svn) lazarus 0.9.14 is builded with 2.0.2.
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Post by bee »

My Lazarus v.0.9.14 (using FPC v.2.0.2) worked fine with the default installation. I just failed to install ZeosDBO package.

But after I updated the FPC with v.2.1.1 snapshot (taken from ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/snapsh ... 386-win32/), Lazarus then failed to compile anything at all. The compiler seems can't find required files (units), though I change nothing from the Lazarus default installation and configurations. It even can't find system unit!

This is weird since the default fpc.cfg configuration files has pointed to the correct directory. Does someone know what's wrong?

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Post by bee »

Do we have to (always?) use snapshot of Lazarus to get Zeos working? What's the differences between FPC 2.0.2 and FPC 2.1.1 that could make Zeos not working? What are FPC features of FPC 2.1.1 needed to get Zeos working? I believe we can send patch or workaround to official FPC release so we can use Zeos on official, very well tested, and more stable version of FPC/Lazarus.

I just got Zeos working on Lazarus 0.9.15 (today snapshot) with FPC 2.1.1, but I don't know whether this snapshot is stable enough to develop stable application or not. Even the provider put a "scary" warning message to the users:
These snapshots are provided as a courtesy only. If they don't work, too bad! If they destroy your project files, crash your machine, and eat your disk: Tough luck! (just to say that YOU ARE USING COMPLETELY UNTESTED SOFTWARE)

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Post by jfabiani »

OK now that you have it working (or at least installed) can you provide the rest of us a step by step example. And what DB are you working with?
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Post by bee »

Using daily snapshot (0.9.x where x is odd number) the installation is very simple and straight forward. These are steps that I did...
- Just install Lazarus from the installer (.rpm or win installer) and follow its steps as usual.
- After installation is done, open and compile ZeosDBO Lazarus packages (5 lpk units) from ZeosDBO folder with this order: zcore.lpk, zplain.lpk, zparsesql.lpk, zdbc.lpk, and last zcomponent.lpk.
- After that, select Component -> Configure Installed Packages menu item, Lazarus will pops up Installed Packages dialog box.
- On Available Packages list box (on the right side of the dialog box), find zcomponent 6.5.1 item, select it and click Install selection button.
- Lazarus will re-compile itself, including all required packages. It will take some while, so please be patient. It took about 20-25 minutes on my machine (P3 1GHz 256MB winXP-SP2).
- If Lazarus compiles successfully, Lazarus will restart itself, and you'll see Zeos Access tab on the component pallete.

So far, I only used ZeosDBO to access mySQL databases. But, actually I'd like to use ZeosDBO to access DB2 databases since that's what I'm using on my systems. Hopefully, ZeosDBO will support DB2 on v.7.0.

What I don't like now is... ZeosDBO is only working on Lazarus snapshot (0.9.odd) which use FPC snapshot (2.1.x). I want it working on stable FPC/Lazarus release (0.9.even and 2.0.2) because this release has been tested (pretty well) and (stated) to be more stable than the snapshot release. I just don't feel confidence and secure to develop an application using snapshot release.

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Post by adi3000 »

If you change the fpc please delete all files from build folder. This folder whas created when you compiled first time zeoslib ... is better to delete that files or the folder every time when you upgrade anything : lazarus or fpc. (this folder is located in /lazarus/components/zeosdbo_rework/build - for example)

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