SIGSEGV error using ZConnection

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SIGSEGV error using ZConnection

Post by Verdi »

Hello everybody,

I am new in this forum and I do my first steps with:
ZEOS-Lib 7.0.4-stable, Firebird embedded 2.5 and Lazarus 1.010.

I have put a ZConnection1 component on a form. There is nothing else on the form.

The code in Lazarus is:

PathToDB = 'C:\testdir\';
DbName = 'hellodb.fdb'; // Firebird, example database

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ZConnection1.Database := PathToDb + DbName;
ZConnection1.Password := 'masterkey';
ZConnection1.Protocol := 'firebirdd-2.5';
ZConnection1.User := 'SYSDBA';

procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);

This small project runs correctly in the IDE but when I close the program in the IDE I get the following

Exception-Class <<External: SIGSEGV>>
Address: 100576FD

This error message occurs not on every close process. Sometimes I have to start and close several times

to get the error message. The problem occurs only using the IDE. If I start and close the program

directly running the exe file, there is no problem.

I have distributed all Firebird files in the Lazarus directory and in the project directory as

recommended in Firebird emedded tutorials.

What goes wrong in the IDE ??

Thank you for every help.

Kind regards from Switzerland,
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Re: SIGSEGV error using ZConnection

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Marco,

are you sure, the exception doesn't happen when you start your program outside of the IDE? Possibly the exception isn't caught by the LCL anymore and you only get messages at the console window - if there is one? Do you see anything if you start your program from the command line?
Best regards,

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