Zeos 7.0.1 - Delphi XE3

The alpha/beta tester's forum for ZeosLib 7.0.x series

Report problems concerning our Delphi 2009+ version and new Zeoslib 7.0 features here.

This is a forum that will be removed once the 7.X version goes into stable!!

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Zeos 7.0.1 - Delphi XE3

Post by volmisanto »

Nao estou conseguindo instalar o zeos 7.0.1 no delphi xe3
nao da erro nenhum mas nao aparece a paleta de componentes
e quando clico no ultimo pacote de instalacao o ZcomponentDisigne
ele diz que foi instalado mas nao aparece a paleta e nao foi instalodo pois se abrir um projeto que desenvolvi com o zeos ele acusa que nao possui o componete instalado
Se alguem puder me ajudar ou colocar um passo-apasso da instalacao no delphi xe3 fico grato
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Post by EgonHugeist »


I can't understand you )):
Best regards, Michael

You want to help? http://zeoslib.sourceforge.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3671
You found a (possible) bug? Use the new bugtracker dude! http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/tickets/

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Post by Zoran »

Here is what Google translator says:
I am not able to install 7.0.1 on Delphi XE3 Zeos
not of any error but does not appear the Component Palette
and when I click the installation package of the last ZcomponentDisigne
he says it was installed but does not appear and the palette was not instalodo because if you open a project that I developed with Zeos charges that he has not installed the componete
If someone can help me or put a step-apasso the installation in Delphi XE3 am grateful
So, someone who has Delphi XE3 might help here.