Can you cancel a running OleDB query?

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-We made two new drivers: odbc(raw and unicode version) and oledb
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Can you cancel a running OleDB query?

Post by MJFShark »

Hi all!

I've been testing the TZConnection.AbortOperation method which works great for the supported drivers. I'm also using SQL Server through the OleDB interface, and it doesn't support this method, however I notice it has a "Cancel" method on the statement objects. Is that in any way similar? I tried using it but no luck (I think it doesn't do what I thought it might.) Any info appreciated!

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Re: Can you cancel a running OleDB query?

Post by aehimself »

Hi Mark,

I'm glad to hear it works fine for you :) I do believe I saw those too when I implemented the basics of the .AbortOperation logic. See ZDbcConnection.pas:1071:

Code: Select all

function TZAbstractDbcConnection.AbortOperation: Integer;
//  Would this work...?
//  for i := fRegisteredStatements.Count-1 downto 0 do
//   IZStatement(fRegisteredStatements[i]).Cancel;
  Raise EZUnsupportedException.Create(SUnsupportedOperation);
I implemented the "normal" way (telling the server to abort) where I could, but I had no chance to test on others as I have only a MySQL and an MSSQL server at home.

You can try to uncomment those lines and see if it works, I suppose?
But, even if we skip the execution of a statement on client side, either the query will still be running or simply resources will still be locked on the server side until it finishes... so be careful.
Delphi 12.1, Zeos 8 from latest GIT snapshot
- MySQL server 8.0.18; libmariadb.dll 3.3.8
- Oracle server 11.2.0, 12.1.0, 19.0.0; oci.dll 21.13
- MSSQL 2012, 2019; sybdb.dll FreeTDS_2435
- SQLite 3.45.2
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