Library Locations for Postgres+Sqlite, Firebird keywords

Code patches written by our users to solve certain "problems" that were not solved, yet.

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Library Locations for Postgres+Sqlite, Firebird keywords

Post by Christian »

Hi here are some small changes for trunk that fixes all issues for me.
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Post by Christian »

Attatchment seems to be lost during post :/ here it is
ahh Extension .diff is not allowed, makes that any sense ?
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Post by EgonHugeist »


i see no issues. The Library locations are a never ending story. Why do't you use the TZConnection.LibrayLocation? Then all comming issues are gone..

Patch done Rev 1641/testing

Best regards, Michael

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Post by Christian »

I dont want my users to know exactly for every db where the lib is.
It was just additional locations, i think thats no real problem and with that it works with
postgres,mssql,sqlite,firebird an macos,windows,linux from scratch.

maybe in an year you have to apply the next patch to fix an new default library location, but that saves a lot of developers and there users the day.
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Post by EgonHugeist »


i think you missunderstoud me. Didn't mean the LibraryLocations are an issue. I meaned your patch was bug-free :) . So everything was fine and you're right it saves the time of others. Thank you.

Best regards, Michael

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