Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

The forum for ZeosLib 7.2 Report problems. Ask for help, post proposals for the new version and Zeoslib 7.2 features here. This is a forum that will be edited once the 7.2.x version goes into RC/stable!!

My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

Post by andsilva81 »

hi there!

i use delphi xe2 with zeos 7.0.4 without problems.

Now i update to delphi 10.4, and download the version to compile my program. But on run, zeos raise an exception that i can not understand: "Parameter Cannot Be Derived from SQL Statements With Sub-select Queries".

This is my query (SQLServer):

Code: Select all

select * from tbparametro  with (nolock)
	(tbparametro.idempresa = :pidempresa and tbparametro.idunidade = :pidunidade) and 
	(idparametro = :pidparametro or idparametro in (
		select idparametro from tbhstparam with (nolock)
		  where idempresa = :pidempresa and 
				idunidade = :pidunidade and 
				idcolaborador = :pidcolaborador and
				((inicio < :pdini and fim is null) or 
				 (:pdini between inicio and fim) or
				 (:pdfim between inicio and fim) or
				 (inicio between :pdini and :pdfim and fim between :pdini and :pdfim) or
				 (:pdfim > inicio and fim is null) )
		union all 
		select idparametro from tbparamdia with (nolock) where
				idempresa = :pidempresa and
				idcolaborador = :pidcolaborador and
				dia between :pdini and :pdfim
This error occurred at line 873 of ZDbcAdoUtils.pas, in RefreshFromAdo procedure:

Code: Select all

  procedure RefreshFromADO;
    I: Integer;
    Parameter: _Parameter;
    with AdoCommand do
      Parameters.Refresh;         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS LINE
      for I := 0 to Parameters.Count - 1 do
        with Parameters[I] do

Someone can help me!?

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Re: Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

Post by marsupilami »


a possible fix has been introduced into the current development version Zeos 7.3. I am sure it will make its way into the next stable Zeos 7.2 release. Is there a chance for you to test the current 7.3 version?

Best regards,

Platinum Boarder
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Re: Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

Post by marsupilami »


my last post is wrong. The change was done in the Zeos 7.2 branch. Could you check there please?

Best regards,

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Re: Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

Post by direstraits »

I had the same problem using ADO connection with MySql 8.0 x64 server.

I tried the fix explained here and it worked:

Replaced this line inside /src/dbc/ZDbcAdoUtils.pas

Code: Select all

Parameter.Attributes := dwFlags and $FFFFFFF0; { Mask out Input/Output flags }

Code: Select all

if dwFlags and $FFFFFFF0 <= adParamSigned + adParamNullable + adParamLong then
                    Parameter.Attributes := dwFlags and $FFFFFFF0; { Mask out Input/Output flags }
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Re: Parameter cannot be derived from sql with subselect queries

Post by marsupilami »

I applied your patch. Thanks for pointing this out :)
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