and check the Values at line 600 (set a breakpoint just befure you'll post the row):
Statement.SetString(I + 1, ZAnsiString(RowAccessor.GetString(ColumnIndex, WasNull)));
Check the RowAccessor.GetString/the Result of ZAnsiString and the Statement.SetString.
Uppps whats that? That means we've a problem on setting the data between DB.TField and the AbstactRODataSet. There i did no work. Start to study me in what and why it happens...
can you please open the ZDateSetUtils.pas
go to line 516 of
procedure PostToResultSet(ResultSet: IZResultSet;
const FieldsLookupTable: TIntegerDynArray; Fields: TFields;
RowAccessor: TZRowAccessor);
and check the value assignment between ftString too? If we've the same results like before we've a problem higher up...
Last edited by EgonHugeist on 09.03.2012, 22:43, edited 1 time in total.
// gto: do we need PChar here?
//ResultSet.UpdatePChar(ColumnIndex, RowAccessor.GetPChar(FieldIndex, WasNull));
tests:=RowAccessor.GetString(FieldIndex, WasNull);
ResultSet.UpdateString(ColumnIndex, AnsiString(RowAccessor.GetString(FieldIndex, WasNull)));
random bugs are difficult.
Do you see source-differences between MSWINDOWS vs. UNIX?
Do you've findings?
How did you inserted the other displayed values of your example on topic?
you're a man of spoken words. You said you want help and you do. I like it.
If the trunk has the same problems than it seems really like a Lazarus problem...
It would be wonderfull to get the reason why it happens and/or a solution...
It makes me a little bit wondering why we've no report about this issues before. On the other hand maybe nobody tested it before. Or am i wrong here?
I See you check this issues with FPC2.4.4 is it complicated for you to upgrade Lazarus 0.9.30 and FPC 2.6? Can you use differnt IDE's eventually? Is the Problem the same?