Patch for ZEOS LIB to be 64 BITS

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Patch for ZEOS LIB to be 64 BITS

Post by matthius »

There is i think a mistake for ZEOS to Be 64 bits compliant.

At procedure TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

There is the good sample :

if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
DataEvent(deFieldChange, PtrInt(Field));

PtrInt is chosen for the architecture, Integer 32 or 64.
Longint is 32 bits and was the mistake.
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Post by mdaems »

Is that the only change that's needed? Can you provide a complete patch file?

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Post by papelhigienico »

matthius, where you found this mistake? I did the "port" of zeos to 64 bits and I did all replacements for this kind of casting, but maybe I forgot something.
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