Very strange warnings before a not so much descriptive error message. I don't have a virtual machine with C++Builder 10.3 yet, so it will have to wait a little more.An error occurred in 10.3.2 Rio.
Just in case, how did you setup in C++Builder 10.3.2 the environment paths for ZeosDBO (ZEOSDBO and Path in "Tools > Options" menu)?
Yeap, this was expected. See in this thread the response to Jan in 01.08.2018. I really tried hard to understand why this error happens just with Win64 and dynamic linking package ZParsesql with ZCore.Win64 fails to build on both 10.2.3 Tokyo and 10.3.2 Rio.
If you find any solution, please let me know. I'm thinking to recreate these packages from zero just to give a new try to solve this problem with WIn64 platform.
Your tests help a lot. Thanks.I may not be able to contribute anything, but I can test it.