This is my first attempt to use Lazarus 2.0.4 (Win 10 64bit) with ZeosLib. I'm trying to create an application to manage an MariaDB/MySQL database. With little success so far.
I can use TZStoredProc and TZTable without problems but when I try to use TZQuery or TZReadOnlyQuery the program freezes upon the instruction:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
ZQuery1.Active := true;
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.ButtonConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
ZConnection1.Connected := true;
ZQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM table_users';
ZQuery1.Active := true; // app freezes here!
If I use TMysqlConnection55 and TSqlQuery the application works as expected.
Any ideas?
Thank you & Best regards,
Radu G.