PostgreSQL stored functions returning dataset's

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PostgreSQL stored functions returning dataset's

Post by Wild_Pointer »


I tried to implement the opening of postgresql stored functions. It seems to work ok for me.
On the other hand I'm not sure if ZStoredPorc.ExecProc is working properly for me. Should the output parameter be filled after calling ExecPorc? With what value if the function returns dataset?

Anyway I attach zip file containing diff files to see changes I did and the changed pas files.

Please give me your opinion about the changes I did.

Good luck!
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Post by mdaems »

Hi Wild_Pointer,

I'm back again after a long busy time. I just had a look at this code and I'm very happy somebody wanted to take the challenge!!

I didn't manage to test the stuff yet. A quick compile of the new code showed no compile trouble for delphi < 2009. After a tiny syntax error this could be fixed as well.

Test suite is running now, but this shouldn't be a problem as no tests are activated yet. Did you try activating eventual test suite tests? (Not sure if they exist for stored procs)

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Post by Wild_Pointer »

Hello, mdaems,

I have never used test suite so could you please give some reference how to start that?

Also I wanted to ask if there is a detail documentation on what should happen on ExecPorc method?

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Post by mdaems »


Running a fully automated test suite isn't that easy. (alhough I only start the build/build.cmd script here)
Main problem is building the suite and setting the right properties in the settings file.
When using Lazarus here is some more information in this thread
For Delphi consult the file buildingtests.pdf in the documentation directory of the afficial zeoslib distributions.

Most important steps are building the ZTest*.dpr programs in the package directory for your compiler, editing database/ and running the test project exe's. Exe's must be in directory zeoslib/packages/<compiler>/build so the settings files in the 'database' dir is in the right relative path.

Concerning the ExecProc docs : I'm afraid the Interbase implementation is the best doc available...

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Post by mdaems »


I added some thread about running the test suite here :

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