When im compile Zplain, i give error
[DCC Fatal Error] pasall.tmp(20): F1026 File not found: 'ZPlainMySql41.dcu'
and this file i not found, where i can take this file?
and i not found ZPlainMySql41.pas file...
in last release Zeoz 7 alpha
trouble Zeos with GodeGear 2009 (Builder C++)
Moderators: gto, EgonHugeist, olehs
When im delete link to include file ZPlainMySql41.pas, all compiled and instaled, but when im create new VCL C++ Form project and add ZConnection component if im build no error, but if execute compiled program have error : point procedure not found @Zdbcasa@Finalization$qqrv in library DLL ZDBc.bpl о_О
I suggest you search your whole harddisk (specifically c:\users\public documents\rad...\...\bpl) for old versions of your bpl's. Not only your user-dir, but whole harddisk.
I have just built and installed revision 809 (from svn://zeos.firmos.at/zeos/branches/testing) in rad studio 2010. I used the delphi14 package. Note that before I could "install" the ZComponentDesign package, I had to copy the other BPL's to c:\users\public documents\... (which is defined in the RAD studio environment options as the BPL dir for delphi, something with a path containing "BDSCOMMON" if I remember well). I had (per project in the project group) switched "generate all c++ files" on in the delphi-linker section, and afterwards I have successfully created a simple C++ project which opens a database table with a TZQuery, and a DBGrid. Editing the database table also worked.
I have just built and installed revision 809 (from svn://zeos.firmos.at/zeos/branches/testing) in rad studio 2010. I used the delphi14 package. Note that before I could "install" the ZComponentDesign package, I had to copy the other BPL's to c:\users\public documents\... (which is defined in the RAD studio environment options as the BPL dir for delphi, something with a path containing "BDSCOMMON" if I remember well). I had (per project in the project group) switched "generate all c++ files" on in the delphi-linker section, and afterwards I have successfully created a simple C++ project which opens a database table with a TZQuery, and a DBGrid. Editing the database table also worked.