I use ZeosLib 6.6 and Delphi 5.0 and MySQL 5.5
Most of thinks works fine, but I have
problem with TZQuery. ( I am moving some app from BDe to ZeosLib).
Lot of queries have multiple statements like:
drop table if exists tempTable;
create temporary table tempTable(
id char(10) not null primary key,
value1 float null,
value2 float null);
insert into tempTable
(id, value1, value2)
select SifArtikla, sum(Kolicina), sum(Kolicina*Cena)
from PredracunSta
group by SifArtikla;
select * from tempTable;
When I call query.open method,
I receive an error:
Can not open a ResultSet
Is there any solution to run multi - statements query?
Best regards,