MySQL Range Check Error table with many fields

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MySQL Range Check Error table with many fields

Post by spijker »


Using Zeos 666 with Delphi5 and MYSQL

I got a range check error with tables with many fields (>50 or so)
I can see the fields, but no records at all in the grid.

Other tables no connection problem.

Error exists in unit Unit ZplainMYSQLDriver

function TZMySQL5PlainDriver.GetFieldData(Row: PZMySQLRow;
Offset: Cardinal): PChar;
Result := ZPlainMySql5.PMYSQL_ROW(ROW)[Offset];

Any idea what to do?

Thanx in advance.
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Post by spijker »

If found the error! The MYSQL table may not be larger than 256 fields...
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Post by jeremicm »

From my knowledge, if you have a table wih 256 fields, something is teribly wrong with your database design....
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